Warm up
2min static jog
head to toe dynamic mobility
5 reps of each movement from the workout
Blackout *at home*
For time:
Shuffle your deck and perform each movement according to the card you flip
Hearts = burpees
Spades = V-ups
Clubs = Goblet squats 50/35
Diamonds = hand release push ups
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13
Joker = Plank hold 1min (2 jokers per deck)
Diamonds = strict handstand push ups
Joker = L-sit hold 30sec
Note: Be aware that everyone will have a different order so some sequence will be way harder than orders. For example, getting multiple cards of the same with high numbers back to back will definitely slow you down. Getting a 10/11/12 of strict handstand push ups would be deadly. For the jokers, accumulate up to 1min of plank of L-sit. This is a going to be a long workout, just plan accordingly
Blackout *limited equipment*
5 rounds for time:
400m run
20 alternating single arm hang clean and jerk 50/35
Tabata double unders