Warm up
1min static jog
10 burpees
1min static jog
10 burpees
1min static jog

For time:

Buy in:
30 candlesticks


3 rounds

30 step ups 24/20 50/35
30 jumping jacks
30 single arm shoulder to overhead 50/35


Buy out
30 turkish get ups 50/35

Time intent: 15min…ish
Note: Find something to step on, a chair, coffee table, stairs, whatever you can find. For the weight, a backpack with books in it will do. Don’t let the lack of equipment stop you, be creative and truly, only your imagination is the limit. Jumping jacks standards are hands to hips and make contact overhead. Feet must go wider than the hips.

Pyro weightlifting

The snatch

10 snatch complex

1 snatch high pull
1 hip snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Note: This complex hits all the major positions, Perform each rep like you’re going for a 1 rep max. Belly and butt tight, hold your breath and go all out. Deliberate practice will make you better, regardless if you have weights or not. The intent and mindset during practice are what matters the most

2 rounds
1 mile run
3min rest
1mile run


8min AMRAP

10 deadlifts
10 push press
20 jump rope or jumping jacks

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