Skills/Technique (20min)
Pull ups
Chest to bar pull ups
Kipping pull ups
Butterfly pull ups
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups
Not for time:
30 ring muscle ups
Note: Pick something hard for you. Pull ups, chest to bar, bar or ring muscle ups. If you’re consistent with your muscle ups, go strict or go for the least amount of sets to complete 30 reps. This will force you to do more unbroken. This will build confidence and capacity. Remember that if you can’t perform 5 to 10 strict pull ups, you should build your base strength and avoid kipping
Strength (20min)
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @85% of 1RM
Note: All 7 sets at fixed weight. Aim for 85% of your most recent max. Not your max from 5yrs ago when you were on your prime
Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Ring lateral in/outs 5×5
5 rounds at moderate pace
20/14 cals bike
50 double unders
Bulgarian split squats 3×8
Front planche hold 1min
15 strict toes to bar