Workout intent and description
Warm up
Workout at home
Workout with limited equipment
Pyro weightlifting

The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser is a CrossFit event for the benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe. The temporary closures and distance between us cannot keep this community apart. Affiliates around the world have demonstrated this through their actions over the past few weeks. Now, the entire CrossFit community has an opportunity to come together in support of our affiliates.

Event Format
Over a three-week period, CrossFit will release three classic and accessible workouts that can be performed by participants of any ability level. Everyone who participates will have their name displayed on the community leaderboard and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate using leaderboard hashtags.

Registration will take place on beginning on or before Wednesday, April 1, and will remain open for the duration of the competition. The first workout will be released on Friday, April 3.

Blackout (at home)

Warm up
2 rounds
1min jumping jacks
15 squats

10 sets
Front and back scales


5 rounds for quality:

30sec L-sit hold
10 chest to wall handstand push ups
30sec front planche hold or 90sec plank hold

Basic lizard 2min per side
Pigeon 2min per side
Puppy dog 2min
Tread the needle 1min per side
Straddle 3min

Blackout (limited equipment)

For time:

Thrusters (dumbbells, barbell or whatever you can find) you pick the weight
Shuttle runs 25ft

Note: For this workout, Scale and modify as needed. You can make the weight heavy or light.

Pyro weightlifting (this will be all covered in the ZOOM class)
With the current situation, we’re in transition between cycles. This is the perfect opportunity to master our positions and be better.

Burgener warm up

10 first pulls
10 second pulls
10 triple extensions to under the bar + overhead squats

5 sets
5 hip snatch

5 sets
5 snatch balance

5 sets
5 sot press

**all with a broomstick, PVC pipe or an empty bar**



5 rounds for time:

100ft bear crawl
100ft standing broad jumps

*Perform 3 burpees after every 5 broad jumps.
**If you have a weight vest or a body armor, wear it**
Weight vest 20/14

Field Training Officer Timothy Quinn Brenton, 39, of the Seattle Police Department, was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting while on duty on October 31, 2009. He is survived by his wife Lisa, his son Quinn, and daughter Kayliegh.

Note: If you’re doing this at home, find the longest stretch in your home and do it there. A long hallway would be perfect. Consider using gloves if you’re doing this outside or a rough surface.

400m run x5
1 min rest between runs

Plank hold 1min
Side plank hold 1min each side

Pigeon 2min per side
Couch stretch 2min per side
Straddle 3min


“mini BRENTON”

5 rounds for time:

50ft bear crawl
50ft broad jumps

*Perform 3 burpees every 5 broad jumps

Quarantine day twelve video demo

Workout briefing
Warm up
Movement demo



Tabata pull ups
Tabata dips
Tabata hollow rock
Tabata double unders or jumping jacks

Note: For the pull ups, use any pulling movement. Rings, TRX, under a table pull, a towel around something, be creative. You can even do a pendlay row. For the dips, use 2 chairs, a counter corner and just like the pull ups, be creative. The key here is to get a different push than the push ups, change the angle to push down. It’s because you don’t have equipment that you can’t do it, imagination is the limit

A tabata is 8 cycles of 20sec of work and 10sec rest. Your score is your total reps for all tabatas combined


5 rounds for time:

10 split cleans (touch the ground)
10 single leg broad jumps
5 pike push ups

Immediately into max handstand hold


“TRIFECTA” *at home edition*


For time:

Spell the alphabet


Note: On your back, feet up, spell each letter of the alphabet by moving your feet. Your hands can touch the ground to assist. Capital letters only

Pyro weightlifting W6D3 *for those that have a barbell*
Tall split jerk
*Light and snappy, tech focus. This can be done at home with a PVC pipe as well

Clean and jerk
*build up your max for the day. Aim for 90% of 1RM

Back squat
*build up your max for the day. Same as the clean and jerk, aim for approx 90% of 1RM

At home weightlifting *technique
30 PVC pipe snatch drop

Note: For the snatch drop, no dip and drive, just drop quickly. Speed under the bar focus.



For time:

1000 step ups

20inch box for everyone
45lbs pack

Dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy who died on October 29, 2018, in Virginia Beach on active duty after 22 years of service.

“A few weeks ago we lost an American hero. A friend of mine and someone I worked with when I was in the Navy. At his funeral his wife mentioned that he did 1,000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20” box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua. Tonight I did this workout with @jameshobart @apbozman and @jimi.letchford. We did it as a celebration of his life and to honor his memory. If you are looking for something to do this weekend give this one a go and keep Chad in mind.”

-Dave Castro


Warm up
2min static jog
head to toe dynamic mobility
5 reps of each movement from the workout

Blackout *at home*


For time:

Shuffle your deck and perform each movement according to the card you flip

Hearts = burpees
Spades = V-ups
Clubs = Goblet squats 50/35
Diamonds = hand release push ups

Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13
Joker = Plank hold 1min (2 jokers per deck)

Diamonds = strict handstand push ups

Joker = L-sit hold 30sec

Note: Be aware that everyone will have a different order so some sequence will be way harder than orders. For example, getting multiple cards of the same with high numbers back to back will definitely slow you down. Getting a 10/11/12 of strict handstand push ups would be deadly. For the jokers, accumulate up to 1min of plank of L-sit. This is a going to be a long workout, just plan accordingly

Blackout *limited equipment*

5 rounds for time:

400m run
20 alternating single arm hang clean and jerk 50/35

Tabata double unders


Backout *at home*

Hip snatch

Note: This is meant to be light and snappy. Technique focus. Use a PVC pipe, a broomstick or anything that will allow you to perform the movement.

5 rounds for time:

10 squat jumps 12inch
10 shoulder taps

Note: Find 2 objects about 12inches high. Squat between the objects and jump to land your feed on the objects.

Blackout *limited equipment*

5 rounds for time:

5 dumbbell snatch right 50/35
5 single arm overhead squat right 50/35
5 dumbbell snatch left 50/35
5 single arm overhead squat left 50/35
50 double unders

Single unders

Firebreathers 70/50

Pyro weightlifting W6D2
Snatch press

Note: Focus on position and prime the shoulders


Note: Build up to your max for the day

15min run EZ pace



Back squats
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @90% of 1RM

Home wod
Warm up
25 jumping jacks
20 jumping jacks arms straight up
15 good morning
10 squats
5 inch worms

45 PVC thrusters

For time:

Push ups
1min plank (arms extended)

Note: For the plank, arms extended just like the end of the push ups. Body must be in a straight line, no sag or pike. If you can’t hold it for 1min, break as needed and accumulate for 1min


For time:
400m walking lunges

Weight vest on

Note: If you’re doing this inside, do 400 static lunges
Coach note: Ouchy!!!


Warm up
1min static jog
10 burpees
1min static jog
10 burpees
1min static jog

For time:

Buy in:
30 candlesticks


3 rounds

30 step ups 24/20 50/35
30 jumping jacks
30 single arm shoulder to overhead 50/35


Buy out
30 turkish get ups 50/35

Time intent: 15min…ish
Note: Find something to step on, a chair, coffee table, stairs, whatever you can find. For the weight, a backpack with books in it will do. Don’t let the lack of equipment stop you, be creative and truly, only your imagination is the limit. Jumping jacks standards are hands to hips and make contact overhead. Feet must go wider than the hips.

Pyro weightlifting

The snatch

10 snatch complex

1 snatch high pull
1 hip snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Note: This complex hits all the major positions, Perform each rep like you’re going for a 1 rep max. Belly and butt tight, hold your breath and go all out. Deliberate practice will make you better, regardless if you have weights or not. The intent and mindset during practice are what matters the most

2 rounds
1 mile run
3min rest
1mile run


8min AMRAP

10 deadlifts
10 push press
20 jump rope or jumping jacks

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