Teams of 2

For time:
80cals row
8 rounds of Cindy
60cals row
6 rounds of Cindy
40cals row
4 rounds of Cindy
20cals row
2 rounds of Cindy

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Note: Share the cals on the rower as needed, the rounds of CINDY are alternating for 8/6/4/ and 2 total


For time:
Cals bike
Peg board ascents


For time:
Cals bike
D-ball cleans 100/70

Hello Pyromanians,

Remembrance day is a big deal, we get to remember those who lost their lives during world war I. No better way to do this than the CrossFit way by doing hero workouts. During the month of November, we’ll have a total of 10 hero workouts within the programming. How many of those will you be able to do? Rx or scaled, what matters is that you did it. Starting tomorrow with “COFFLAND”, we’ll have a sheet by the white board to keep track of your attendance. If you can’t make it to a class, you can catch up during open gym or during a class. Just make sure that it won’t interfere with the current class and ask the coach on duty. “SHIP” will be one of the workouts for the Affiliate Championship next Friday and will also be our workout for the day. The list of Heroes is TBD, we’ll just make sure that it lines up with the rest of the programming. We’ll try to pick some that lines up with the Gold Firebreather requirements.

We all know that fitness and having a healthy lifestyle comes down to consistency. Just by doing the 10 hero workouts this month, you’ll be doing very well.

Those that will complete all 10 hero workouts, Rx or scaled will be recognized and get a little Pyro something. Hope you guys will embrace this little challenge and annihilate it!




Skin the cat

Hollow rock

10min EMOM alt min

2 around the world
10 glute ham raises (partner or GHD)


4 rounds for time:

9 strict knees to elbows
6 strict pull ups
3 wall climbs

Immediately into
30 low ring muscle ups (feet on ground allowed)

Weightlifting W1D3

Hang snatch

Hang clean


Weightlifting accessory work

Bench press



Hang from a pull-up bar for 6 minutes

Each time you drop from the bar, perform:

800-m run
30 push-ups

U.S. Army Spc. Christopher J. Coffland, 43, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Nov. 13, 2009, in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. Coffland, who joined the Army a month before reaching the enlistment age limit of 42, was assigned to the 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion at Fort Meade, Maryland. He was deployed to Afghanistan two weeks prior to his death.

Coffland was a CrossFit athlete who was known to have demolished the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test, which features push-ups, sit-ups and a 2-mile run. He was particularly fond of long workouts, heavy lifts, distance sprints, push-ups and sit-ups.

Coffland is survived by his parents, David and Toni; his sisters, Lynn, Karen and Laurie; his brother, David; and many other friends and family members.

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