Join us, Friday November 9th, 5 to 9pm for the Affiliate Championship. Male/male and female/female teams will be competing to earn points towards their affiliates. Cool part is that male and female teams are competing against each other. There will be multiple events leading all the way to May next year. Those competing at this event don’t have to compete at other events so from one competition to the other, different athletes can participate. The format from events to events will change, individuals, bigger teams, opposite sex teams and so on.

We’re kicking things up with the hero workout “SHIP” and a triple 2min AMRAP.

Pyro teams:

Scaled: Shab and Rebecca
Rx: Rachel and Veronika
Elite: David and Tyler

As with any other events, we’ll need help. If you’re free Friday from 4:30 to 9pm and can spare some time, let us know. We definitely need help for the judging and moving the equipment. Events like this are only possible with your help. Even if you can only come for a few minutes, this would be greatly appreciated. From all things, come in the cheer on athletes and maybe judge a heat or two. BOOM!

See you all there!!

“Hero month”

10 hero workouts

Can you do all 10?


Push jerk


5 rounds for time:

12 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
12 ring dips


4 rounds for time:

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
10 push ups

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry
5 movements of your choice

Barbell snatch grip sots press 3×5
Barbell clean grip sots press 3×5

5 sets
3 pull ups (3sec hang, 3sec up, 3sec hold, 3sec down)

5x max L-sit hold (on plates)

Hello Pyromanians, we had a lot of stuff going recently so this year we decided to go more casual for Halloween. That said, we’ll be doing prizes for those that have the best costumes for the workout. Put your costume on for the class and wear it to the best of your ability during the workout, take a picture by the mural and send it to us by email, FB message or text. We’ll share them on the community group and decide who wins the best costume.

Happy Halloween!!

Skills (10min)

Pull ups (kipping and butterfly)
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups


CrossFit Games Open 13.3

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups

Option 1

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 double unders
30 bar muscle ups

Option 2

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 single unders
30 chest to bar pull ups

Option 3

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 single unders
30 pull ups or banded pull ups

Accessory work

Shoulder of steel
Dumbbells lateral raises 3×10

Pendlay rows 3×10

Ice cream makes 3×5

Weighted back extension 3×10

CrossFit Games Open 13.3 Wednesday


20min AMRAP

200 double unders
50 toes to bar
40 box jumps 24/20
30 handstand push ups
20 bodyweight power cleans
10 bodyweight front squats


15min AMRAP

200 single unders
50 situps
40 step ups 24/20
30 push ups
20 power cleans
10 front squats

Weightlifting W1D1

Power snatch

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM
4×3 touch and go

Front squats
3×3 (5sec pause bottom)

Accessory work

Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry
3 exercises of your choice

30 pvc split jerks

Accumulate 2min of handstand hold

For time:
60 GHD situps

*New strength (Squat/deadlift and press focus) + weightlifting cycles starting this week for 8 weeks*


Overhead squats
Front squats
Back squats


3min AMRAP
8 kettlebell swings 53/35
8 goblet squats 53/35
8 kettlebell walking lunges 53/35

1min rest

3min AMRAP
8 kettlebell swings 53/35
8 goblet squats 53/35
8 kettlebell walking lunges 53/35

*If you put the kettlebell down at any point during the any of the 3min AMRAPs, perform 5 burpees over the kettlebell
Note: From the first to the second AMRAP, continue where you finished

Score is total reps performed for both AMRAPs combined

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×10

Barbell snatch balance 3×5

Strict pull ups 3x max

1min side plank left hold
1min side plank right hold
1min plank hold
1min back extension hold

Join us Sunday October 28th from 1pm to 4pm for our 2nd year anniversary. Come hangout, play games, enjoy some delicious food, coffee, get to know other members outside the class setting. You might be on a time crunch, if you just swing by for a few minutes, we’ll be happy to see you.

Looking forward to see all of you

Dave and Em

Team of 2


20sec max effort cals bike

Rest 5min

15min AMRAP

21 wall balls 30/20
15 GHD sit ups
9 thrusters 135/95

*Share as needed

Score is total cals on the bike plus reps in the AMRAP

Note: Have everything ready for the AMRAP prior to start the EMOM


For time:

1 mile run with weight vest


For time:

2K row with weight vest




Hollow body and arch position
Beat swings
Kipping pull ups


3 rounds not for time:
5 sec false grip ring hang
5 sec false grip ring pull up
5 sec false grip hold at the top
5 sec negative false grip pull up

4 rounds for time:

5 wall climbs
10 strict knees to elbows

Straddle stretch and split 5-10min


“Back to basics”

Shoulder press
Back squat

*Don’t go 100% at each lifts, keep it under your maxes. Focus on good form and technique



10 rounds for time:

100m sprint
10 pull ups
100m sprint
10 burpees

30sec rest between rounds

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24, of Troy, Illinois, assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Riley, Kansas, was killed on January 3, 2010, by an improvised explosive device in Zhari district, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Tiffany, daughter Chloe, parents Gary and Paula, and brother Ryan.

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