Teams of 2 or 3 (Better with 3)

For time:

40 synchronized toes to bar
40 synchronized dumbbell single arm hang clean and jerk 50/35
40 synchronized box jump overs 24/20*
40 synchronized dumbbell single arm hang clean and jerk 50/35
40 synchronized toes to bar

*For the box jumps, both athlete going over is one rep


For time:

200m run
20 push ups
20 kettlebell swings 53/35
20 goblet squats 53/35
400m run
40 push ups
40 kettlebell swings 53/35
40 goblet squats 53/35
400m run
20 push ups
20 kettlebell swings 53/35
20 goblet squats 53/35
200m run

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