Workout 1:

Tabata cals bike

Workout 2:

10 rounds for time:

12 cals bike
24 dumbell shoulder to overhead 50/35

*12 reps per side, one side at a time, no alternating


10min to find:

Highest box jump
Longest standing broad jump


For time:

Sumo deadlifts high pulls 95/65
Thrusters 95/65
Rope climbs

Note: Rep scheme goes like this:
21 sumo deadlift high pulls
21 thrusters
2 rope climbs
Continue with 15/15/4, 9/9/6

Accessory work

5 sets
10 dumbells alt shoulder front raises
10 dumbbells alt lateral raises
10 dumbbells alt hammer curls

Note: Pick a weight challenging for 10 reps

5 sets
5 barbell snatch high pulls
5 barbell hang snatch

50 V-ups

Team series week 1

Workout 2

For time:

20 synchronized squat cleans 135/95 95/65
20 synchronized squat cleans 185/125 135/95
20 synchronized squat cleans 225/155 155/105

Timecap: 7min

Tie break: Time after each sets of 20

Rest 10min

Workout 1

7min AMRAP

Synchronized bar facing burpees

Scaled: stepping over the bar allowed

Note: You can review the workout standards here:



Skin the cat
5 sets of 5

18min EMOM

1min 10 Handstand push ups
1min 10 strict pull ups
1min 10 V-ups

If you can no longer complete all 10 reps of a given movements, go down by one rep for the next cycle

5min to find max distance handstand walk

Weightlifting W4D4 (week 5 is deload)

Clean and jerk
Front squat

Note: Solid heavy singles, focus on technique and no fails


White Firebreather
20min AMRAP

25 double unders
6 power snatch 95/65
3 pull ups

Silver Firebreather
20min AMRAP

50 double unders
6 power snatch 115/85
3 chest to bar pull ups

Gold Firebreather
20min AMRAP

75 double unders
6 power snatch 135/95
3 bar muscle ups

Legendary Firebreather
20min AMRAP

25 triple unders
6 power snatch 165/115
3 strict ring muscle ups

Team series week 1
Workout 3 and 4

Workout 3

For time:

Synchronized pull ups
Synchronized deadlifts 225/155

Synchronized jumping pull ups
Synchronized deadlifts 135/95

Timecap: 45min

Workout 4

5 rounds for time:

50 double unders (each)
50ft synchronized overhead dumbbell lunges 50/35

Single unders (each)
50ft synchronized overhead dumbbell lunges 35/20

TImecap 15min


Tempo back squats

*3sec down, 3sec up


For time:
Kettlebell swimgs 70/53

Weightlifting W4D3

Power snatch
Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM snatch
Front squats
*All front squats working sets above 70% of 1RM

Accessory work

Dips or ring dips

Split jerk push press
*Barbell or PVC pipe, technique and mobility focus

3 sets
10 V-ups
15 GHD sit ups
20 back extension

Hey Pyromanians,
Mark your calendar, here’s a few things happening in the near future:

** The Team Series starts right now. Find a partner, same or opposite sex, register at and do the workouts. 4 workouts for week one and 4 for week two. We’ll be doing 2 workouts Friday and 2 Sunday as part of our regular programming. You also have open gym times and we can accommodate specific times for you to do the workouts. Let’s do this!!**

Wednesday September 19th, The CrossFit Games Team Series, Team of 2, same sex, 2 weeks, 4 workouts, scaled and Rx online competition, similar to the Open
Saturday September 22nd, CrossFit Calgary Attollo cup, team of 2, same sex, scaled and Rx one day competition

Saturday October 6th, Battle Royale II (Sign up on the sheet by the whiteboard, FREE)
Saturday October 13th, Festivus Games, partner comp
Sunday October 28th, CrossFit Pyro 2nd year anniversary party!!!

Rogue Liftoff, Max snatch, Max clean and jerk and a workout, date TBA

Saturday December 8th, Tyler and Bailey Party
Pyro Holiday party, date TBA

Gymnastics complex

1 strict toes to bar
1 strict pull ups
2 toes to bar
2 kipping pull ups
3 knees to elbows
3 bar muscle ups

Note: scale each movement to your capacity


For time:

50/35 cals row
40 wall balls 20/14 11/10
30 burpee box jumps 30/24
20/14 cals bike
10 weighted strict chest to bar pull ups 20/10


For time:

50/35 cals row
40 wallballs 20/14 10/9
30 burpee box jumps 24/20
20/14 cals bike
10 pull ups


Kick to handstand
handstand push ups
kipping handstand push ups
Ring handstand push ups
Straddle to handstand
L-sit to handstand


For time:

5 ring handstand push ups
5 squat cleans 185/125
10 strict handstand push ups
10 squat cleans 155/105
20 handstand push ups
20 squat cleans 135/95
40 ring dips
40 squat cleans 95/65

Scaled option:

For time:

5 strict handstand push ups
5 squat cleans 155/105
10 handstand push ups
10 squat cleans 135/95
20 ring dips
20 squat cleans 95/65
40 push ups
40 squat cleans 95/65

Weightlifting W4D3

Clean and jerk
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk
Back squats

Accessory work
Crossover symmetry 3xeach
WY negative
Snow angel

30 med ball GHD sit ups
30 med ball back extensions

5 sets (barbell only)
1 hip snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squats

Weightlifting W4D1

Snatch balance
Hang snatch
Power clean + power jerk


3min AMRAP
21 shuttle runs 20ft
Max clean and jerks 95/65

1min rest

2min AMRAP
15 shuttle runs 20ft
Max clean and jerks 135/95

1min rest

1min AMRAP
9 shuttle runs 20ft
Max clean and jerks 155/105

Score your total clean and jerks for all the AMRAPs combined

Accessory work

Crossover symmetry
Choose 4 exercise and perform 3 sets of each

5 sets
5 PVC pipe overhead squats + 5 sots press at the bottom of the last overhead squat

For quality
15 strict toes to bar

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