Gymnastics complex
1 strict toes to bar
1 strict pull ups
2 toes to bar
2 kipping pull ups
3 knees to elbows
3 bar muscle ups
Note: scale each movement to your capacity
For time:
50/35 cals row
40 wall balls 20/14 11/10
30 burpee box jumps 30/24
20/14 cals bike
10 weighted strict chest to bar pull ups 20/10
For time:
50/35 cals row
40 wallballs 20/14 10/9
30 burpee box jumps 24/20
20/14 cals bike
10 pull ups
Kick to handstand
handstand push ups
kipping handstand push ups
Ring handstand push ups
Straddle to handstand
L-sit to handstand
For time:
5 ring handstand push ups
5 squat cleans 185/125
10 strict handstand push ups
10 squat cleans 155/105
20 handstand push ups
20 squat cleans 135/95
40 ring dips
40 squat cleans 95/65
Scaled option:
For time:
5 strict handstand push ups
5 squat cleans 155/105
10 handstand push ups
10 squat cleans 135/95
20 ring dips
20 squat cleans 95/65
40 push ups
40 squat cleans 95/65
Weightlifting W4D3
Clean and jerk
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk
Back squats
Accessory work
Crossover symmetry 3xeach
WY negative
Snow angel
30 med ball GHD sit ups
30 med ball back extensions
5 sets (barbell only)
1 hip snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squats