Workout 1:
For time:
5k run or row
Post times in comments
Workout 2:
For time:
Cals bike
D-ball cleans 100/70
Front squats
*3sec pause at the bottom*
12min AMRAP
50 box jumps 24/20
40 abmat sit ups
30 wall balls 20/14
20 kettlebell swings 70/53
10 wall climbs
Note: If you finish the 10 wall climbs, go back to the box jumps
The accessory work will be posted with the daily post. This is meant to be done on your own as an extra warm up piece for your wods, effective cool down after the wods or simply as extra work daily. This is also meant to build core strength, reinforce the shoulders, develop skills and technique. The acc work will be tying in with the regular programming and everything else so we don’t overuse joints and muscle groups.
Acc work
Crossover symmetry (Refer to chart)
3 sets of each
Reverse fly
Pull down
30 PVC pipe squat snatch
Note: Make each rep like it’s a 1RM, reinforce good motor patterns
Not for time: 50 GHD sit ups