Full details on the kids/teens Pyro program very soon. Next-Generation 07-13 and Next-Generation 14-17. Stay tuned

Good luck to all the Pyro athletes competing at the Rocky Mountain Crusher. Have fun!!

The Granite Games is now officially a CrossFit sanctioned event



Accumulate 2min of Hollow body
Accumulate 2min of Arch position

Ring series x5
Rings approximately at hip level

Not for time:
30 ring muscle up transitions (low rings)

4 rounds for time:
12 pistols
9 V-ups
6 ring push ups

Weightlifting W2D3 (Day 4 is Sunday)

Power snatch

Power clean + push jerk

Note: Perform 3 power cleans then go push jerk for the last rep

Overhead squats


“Rocky Mountain Crusher for all”

Pyro is a community, we’re team, if some of us are doing something, we’re all doing it. We don’t have the full details on the workouts yet so they have been altered to fit at Pyro

Team of 2

For time:

WOD 1:
As a relay

Dumbbell snatch 50/35
Dumbbell squat (Single arm, dumbbell at or above shoulder) 50/35

Note: Partner 1 goes and then partner 2

1mile run (Pyro mile)

WOD 2:
4 rounds for “DT” (2 rounds each alternating)

12 deadlifts 155/105
9 hang power cleans 155/105
6 shoulder to overhead 155/105

1mile run (Pyro mile)

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