Floater 1

For time:

800m run
500m row
50 cals bike

Floater 2

5 rounds for time:

20ft handstand walk
10 D-ball cleans 100/70

Weightlifting W6D1
Increase intensity and loads

Clean and jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM
*Drops allowed

Back squats
*all working sets above 50% of 1RM


7min AMRAP

7 burpees to pull up bar
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 dumbbell thrusters 50/35

Accessory work

30 PVC high hang squat snatch

3 sets
4 rope pull ups (8 total)
*4 with right hand up, 4 with left hand up

60 V-ups

Hey Pyromanians,
Mark your calendar, here’s a few things happening in the near future:

Wednesday September 19th, The CrossFit Games Team Series, Team of 2, same sex, 2 weeks, 8 workouts, scaled and Rx online competition, similar to the Open

Saturday October 6th, Battle Royale II (Sign up on the sheet by the whiteboard, FREE)
Saturday October 13th, Festivus Games, partner comp, sign up here:

Host Landing Page

Sunday October 28th, CrossFit Pyro 2nd year anniversary party!!! 10 to 3pm, potluck, games, friends, family and kids welcome

Friday November 9th, Affiliate championship, CrossFit Pyro. Sign up here:

Rogue Liftoff, Max snatch, Max clean and jerk and a workout, date TBA

Saturday December 8th, Tyler and Bailey Party
Pyro Holiday party, date TBA

Team series week 2

Workout 6

2 rounds for time:

100 cals row (25 cals each)
50 handstand push ups (total)

Timecap: 20min


2 rounds for time:

100 cals row (25 cals each)
50 hand release push ups (total)

Timecap: 20min

Workout 8

For time:

30 sync toes to bar
40 sync dumbbell snatch 50/35
50 sync dumbbells step up overs 24/20 50/35
40 sync dumbbell snatch 50/35
30 sync toes to bar

Timecap: 15min


For time:

30 sync knee raises
40 sync dumbbell snatch 35/20
50 sync dumbbells step up overs 20/20 35/20
40 sync dumbbell snatch 35/20
30 sync knee raises

Timecap: 15min



Accumulate 3min of:
False grip ring hang
Ring support bottom
RIng support top

Share as needed

10 rounds for time:

20ft handstand walk

Rest 1min between rounds

Weightlifting W5D4

Snatch complex
5 sets
1 snatch deadlift/ 1 hang snatch/ 1 hang snatch/ 1 overhead squat

*Build to max
Note: This ties in with the Team series clean and jerk complex

Clean and jerk

Front squats

*3sec pause at the bottom



Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
1 back squat, 1 shoulder press, 1 deadlift
2 back squats, 2 shoulder presses, 2 deadlifts
3 back squats, 3 shoulder presses, 3 deadlifts

Use 1½ body weight for the squats and deadlifts and ¾ body weight for the presses.

U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Christopher “Otis” Raible, 40, of North Huntington, Pennsylvania, was killed by insurgents during an attack on Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, on Sept. 14, 2012. Raible joined the Marines in 1995, served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and was the commanding officer of Marine Attack Squadron 211 out of Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, Arizona.

Raible trained CrossFit with his wife, Donnella, and daughter Catherine. His favorite movements were deadlifts, squats, overhead presses and bench presses.

He is survived by his wife, Donnella; daughters, Catherine and Allison; and son, Brian.

Team series week 2

Workout 7:

10min to find:

1 rep max of the following complex

1 deadlift/1 hang clean/1 hang clean and jerk

Scaled: No change
Tie break: none
Score is total in pounds for both partners combined

10min rest

Workout 5:

For time:
Bar muscle ups
Squat snatch 95/65


For time:
Chin over the bar pull ups
Squat snatch 65/45

Note: If going solo, do a one to one work/rest ratio


Sumo deadlifts

*Build to max


For time:

Overhead squats 95/65 115/85 135/95 155/105
Toes to bar

*If you drop the bar on the overhead squats or come off the bar on toes to bar, perform 5 burpees
**Resting the bar on the shoulders for the overhead is not permitted


Sumo deadlifts
Keep it light, focus on technique


For time:

Overhead squats (no set weight, focus on form)
Knee raises

Accessory work
Barbell pendlay rows 3×8
Barbell upright rows 3×8

50 GHD sit ups
50 back extensions

Weightlifting W5D3 (Deload)

Snatch balance
Power snatch (drops allowed
Power clean + push jerk (drops allowed)

CrossFit Pyro kids (7 to 13yrs) and teens (14 to 17yrs) program launching October 20th and 21st. 8 week program, once a week, Saturdays at noon for teens, Sundays at noon for kids. 150$ for 8 weeks, discount for siblings, tshirt included. Full program and details on our website shortly. Expect lots of playing, skills development, sports development, movement technique drills and way more. Kids and teens will learn lifelong skills, self confidence, good attitude and discipline. To register, contact us by email at crossfitpyro@gmail.com
Spots limited



*Drop allowed

Snatch pulls

*Touch and go only

Front squats

Note: This is a deload week so take it easy on the lift, focus on technique


5min AMRAP

Bodyweight power clean and jerk

Scale options:
3/4 bodyweight
1/2 bodyweight

Accessory work

Crossover symmetry 3x each
Reverse fly

30 PVC pipe split jerks

3 rounds
15 GHD sit ups
15 back extension
Max L-sit hold

Skills (10min)

Pull ups
Kipping pull ups
Butterfly pull ups
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups

METCON (18min)

3 rounds for reps:

1min cals row
1min handstand push ups
1min dumbell snatch 50/35
1min pistols (alternating)
1min ring muscle ups

1min rest between rounds

Maintenance/Mobility (5-10min)


3 rounds for reps:

1min cals row
1min push ups
1min dumbell snatch 35/20
1min squats
1min pull ups/ring rows

1min rest between rounds

Weightlifting W5D1 (deload week)

“Never underestimate the power of a deload week”

Enjoy a good session without over doing it. Keep it well below your maxes. Have fun, focus on form, technique, work on weaknesses, improve mobility

Clean and jerk
Clean pulls 90% of 1RM
Back squats

Accessory work

50 PVC pipe narrow grip overhead squats

*Bring your hands tighter than your regular overhead squat or snatch width

Pendlay rows
Dumbell shoulder press


25 strict knees to elbows

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