Main programming | BlackOut
“Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity”
Our programming is build for everyone, from beginners to elite athletes. “The needs for Olympic, Games athletes and elderly differs by degree, not kind”. This means everyone needs to squats, deadlifts, push, pull, jump and run just to name a few. The degree at which those movements are performed is relative to each individuals and their needs. CrossFit can be infinitely scalable to match your fitness level and goals. A CrossFit Games athlete’s goal might be to back squat double bodyweight for multiple reps, while an older athlete might just want to put enough resistance to build strength, reinforce joints and ligaments. Our programming fully support physical limitations and special conditions like pregnancy. All our classes are coached by a certified professional to ensure movements are done properly. Safety, good mechanics and technique are the utmost priority. We teach technique first, consistency and then intensity.
Sustainability and consistency is key. Our programming is for everyone, as much for advanced athletes as for beginners. From elite to casual, from kids to elderly. Between the main programming (Blackout), Pyro weightlifting, gymnastics, daily accessory work and weekly floater workouts, even the most competitive athletes will find their needs. Our programming can be sent to you daily by email, just register in the WOD page.
Learn more about BlackoutNutrition
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar”
We want to help people learn to eat for their goals and improve their well-being. Many people know what they should be doing but find it really challenging to make the changes. This is where we step in, by providing support through changing habits we can help keep you on track and help overcome any roadblocks that arise. Throughout this process, you will be learning coping techniques and furthering the nutritional understanding that will empower you to eventually work through challenges on your own. By eating to support your goals and lifestyle, you will feel increased energy, improved sleep, changes to your body composition, and gain control over your eating habits. We want our clients to find a balanced way to eat that will be sustainable! Results will come from consistency and learning what works best for your body. By starting with small manageable steps, clients can build their knowledge and skills around nutrition and experience significant changes.
What does Pyro Nutrition have to offer?
• Online check-ins to complete weekly check-ins from the comfort of your own home with the option to meet in person.
• Percision Nutrition certified coaches.
• Customizable nutrition plans to fit everyone’s needs and goals.
• Option to bundle 1:1 training with 1:1 nutrition coaching
Compare our Packages!
The next nutrition challenge starts May 1st
Duration: 8 Weeks
Cost: $200+GST
• Two tracks are available for performance and weight-loss
• Details are posted under Rachel Salsman’s bio, see here
Book with Rhinofit via the CalendarPyro Weightlifting
“The sport or activity of lifting barbells or other heavyweights. There are two standard lifts in modern weightlifting: the single-movement lift from floor to extended position (the snatch ), and the two-movement lift from floor to shoulder position, and from shoulders to extended position (the clean and jerk)”
Weightlifting and Olympic weightlifting is a big part of what we do in CrossFit. The snatch, the clean and jerk and powerlifting movements like bench press, deadlift and the press to name a few are very technical. Even though we are covering all these lifts on a regular basis in the daily programming, adding a speciality class for weightlifting allows our athletes to refine their skills and become better. The Pyro weightlifting classes are for everyone, all skill level welcome, basically, this is for everyone who likes weightlifting and/or just wants to get better. Our weightlifting program also complements our daily programming to allow athletes to perform both the daily workout and the weightlifting on the same day if desired.
NxtGen 0713 Kids
NxtGen 1417 Teens
As parents, you are leaders. Your kids and teens see what you do every day and will try to mimic your actions. You already know the benefits of being physically active, ingraining this early on for your kids and teens will set them up for success in anything life throws at them. Our programs teach fundamental movements, important character values, mental toughness, positive attitude, sports skills and general fitness that translate to any sports.
Exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination
CrossFit is born out of Gymnastics. Coach Greg Glassman (founder of CrossFit) basically created a workout routine that replicates a ring routine intensity on his off season. This workout became “FRAN”, one of the most well known CrossFit workout and also a benchmark. CrossFit is about blending every form of fitness, cardio like running, cycling, rowing, swimming and resistance training like weightlifting and Olympic weightlifting. On top of that, add gymnastics, bodyweight movements like pull ups, push ups, situps, handstand and rope climbs to name a few.
Combine all this together and you get the most complete fitness program ever. Gymnastics has a huge part in what we do and this is why we added a specialty gymnastics classes within our weekly schedule. During those classes, expect a lot of skills development, technique focus, gymnastics drills and obviously workouts tailored for a gymnastics focus.
“Consumption of a type of fuel as an energy source”
For this program, you can expect longer workouts in general. Running, rowing, swimming, air bike, skipping, body weight movements, lighter loads and less technical movements to allow higher volume. You will be challenged in both aerobic and anaerobic capacity as well as muscle endurance. This is the perfect program to get you ready for an upcoming race, to develop better capacity at short, medium and long activities but also speed and power. Combining this with our regular programming, this program will get you ready for anything.
FireBreathers Program “EARNED, NOT GIVEN”
“One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete”
CrossFit Pyro invites you on a journey. A journey of fitness and health. It’s important to recognize each and everyone’s achievements. We’re doing this through ranks. The Pyro Firebreather system. Similar to martial arts with a belt system if you will. Each athlete starts as a white Firebreather. This is the start of your journey. Learn the basics, discover the movements, get to know the coaches and the community.
Then you will rank up to bronze, silver, gold and finally the Legendary Firebreather. This system is based on class attendance. Classes are what we do. We are a team, we train together and a professional coach is leading us. By being coached and being part of the community, this our way to grow all together. The more you come, the more you grow and the more you will feel like your part of something. Something much bigger than just you. It will take you 100 classes to reach bronze. 225 classes to silver. 400 to gold and finally 600 to Legendary. This is all based on a minimum of 3 classes a week.
Everyone can commit to this. Obviously, some of you will do more than that. You will simply rank up faster. Another way to rank up that will count towards your experience is to compete. It must be an official CrossFit competition, either from CrossFit HQ, the CrossFit Games or affiliates. Competing will get you out of your comfort zone, it will force you to prep for it, know the standards, know the workout, how to plan, develop skills and a positive attitude. Competing build character. This cannot be ignored. Competing isn’t about winning, it’s about putting yourself out there and push yourself.
But don’t get this wrong, this isnt about just competing. Competing counts only for a small fraction of your journey. The classes are where it matters. Combine classes and competitions, achieving the rank of Legendary Firebreather can be done in about 4 years, all depending on your consistency and determination. Do you have what it takes?#earnednotgiven
Hover over Firebreather badges to view more >

1 Year
1 year, congratulations! This is probably the most important part of your journey. You went through the fundamentals, learned them, applied them and you’re part of this incredible team, you’re part of the community. Embrace it and grow. Learn from everything and everyone. Find a mentor or other athletes to look up to that will help you grow. Learn the 8 Pyro fundamental values and apply them: HONOR, DIGNITY, LOYALTY, TEAMWORK, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, DISCIPLINE AND DETERMINATION. When in doubt, just go back to the fundamental values.

2 Years
2 years!!! Now that you have a good grasp on most of the basic movements, it’s time to expand from there. You’ve done many classes, maybe a competition or the Open, you know the coaches and the community. You know your strengths, weaknesses and limitations. You’re past the fundamentals, push yourself a bit harder, challenge yourself, set some goals and smash them.

3 Years
3 years!!!. You know your way around CrossFit and the methodology. You’re probably helping out new members and making the community a better place. Tried to perform some benchmarks or hero workouts as prescribed. But that’s not enough, you’re going back to your old scores and you’re going to destroy them. This is you against you. You’re right in the middle of your apprenticeship, keep going.

4 Years
You now have 4 years of experience. You’re a veteran here, members will be looking up to you, and you’re a leader. You made it this far for a reason, you are determined and consistent. That’s how fitness and health are achieved. Take all that experience and knowledge, start moving beyond apprenticeship and develop yourself.

5 Years
Congratulations!!! You made it. The absolute. 5 years worth of experience. This thing is, your journey doesn’t stop here, it’s still just the beginning. How will you grow more from here? This is up to you now. How will you challenge yourself? Coaching perhaps? Become a mentor yourself so you can help new athletes begin their journeys. Mastery is right there at your fingertips, just keep going. Mastery of the movements, modifications, workout intent, how to develop your weakness, how to program…true mastery is not a destination, it’s an ongoing journey that never ends. Do you have what it takes to achieve true MASTERY…