firefighter prog Run 3k Regular prog 2015 Regional Event 4  For time: Handstand walk 250 ft. Then, 2015 Regional Event 5  1-rep-max snatch

FIrefighters prog Rest Stretch and roll 15min Regular prog Rest Flexibility work 10min, split and side splits

Firefighters prog TBA in the morning Regular prog For time: 1-mile run 135-lb. overhead squats, 50 reps 100 GHD sit-ups 150 double-unders 135-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 50 reps 100 box jump overs, 24 inches

Recruits prog Group A: Tire WOD Split the group in 2 teams 3 rounds AMRAP tire flips 20m lengths Round 1: Every minute on the minute, 1 team member flips the tire as far as he/she can and all the other members will do 5 squats. Rotate all the members through the tire flips station….

Recruits prog Squad 2: Swim Squad 1 and 3: SPEEDBALL Regular prog Randy For time: 75-lb. power snatches, 75 reps Post time to comments.

Recruits prog Mobility/ Stretch Regular prog Rest Stretch/ Roll 15min

Recruits prog Mile and half run practice (12min time cap) If unsuccessful, run an extra lap with 15lbs dumbells Regular prog 5 rounds for time of: 15 kettlebell swings, 2 pood 15 deficit push-ups, hands on 25-lb. plates Run 400 meters

Recruits prog Rest Coach note: Heads up, Mile and half run Monday Regular prog 5 rounds, each on a 3-minute clock, of: 20 GHD sit-ups 20 hip extensions Max reps body-weight front squat Rest at least 3 minutes between each round. Post number of front squats completed each round to comments.

Recruits prog Rest Stretch 10min Regular prog Nasty Girls V2 3 rounds for time of: 50 one-legged squats, alternating 7 muscle-ups 175-lb. hang power cleans, 10 reps

Recruits prog Active recovery 1 lap around the track, easy pace Mobility/ Stretch Regular prog Rest Roll 5min Stretch 15min (Focus on split/ side split) Watch:

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