Off Duty 5 2-minute rounds of: 5 muscle-ups 150-yard shuttle sprint (25 yards there and back, 3 times) Max reps 135-lb. thrusters Rest 3 minutes between rounds. On Duty 5 2-minute rounds of: 5 L-sit pull-ups 150-yard shuttle sprint (25 yards there and back, 3 times) Max reps 95-lb. thrusters Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Off Duty In front of a clock set for 12 minutes: 1 minute of 30-inch box jumps 1 minute of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls 2 minutes of 30-inch box jumps 2 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls 3 minutes of 30-inch box jumps 3 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls On Duty…

Off and On Duty 15-12-9 reps for time of: 135-lb. clean and jerks Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest Roll and Stretch 10 minutes

Off and On Duty 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Ring dips 115-lb. overhead squats Note: On duty, scale the weight accordingly and bar dips if no rings.

Off and On Duty Sumo deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 reps

On and Off Duty 3 rounds for time of: Row 500 meters 21 burpees 95-lb. thrusters, 12 reps

Off and On Duty Rest day Roll and stretch 10 minutes

Off Duty For time: 10 box jumps, 42-inch box 10 bar muscle-ups 20 kettlebell snatches, 1.5 pood 20 one-legged squats, alternating 30 toes-to-bars 30 overhead squats, 75-lb. barbell 40 GHD sit-ups 40 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball 50 burpees 50 triple-unders On Duty For time: 10 Tuck jumps as high as possible 10 strict pull ups…

Off and On Duty Push press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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