Olympic Lifting Program starts today for 6 weeks. It will mostly be separate from the our main programming but because everybody needs to get better at Oly lifts, it will also appear as the wod like today.  Oly Lift Prog Week 1 Day 1(W1D1) Skill Sotts press 3-3-3-3 with barbell only Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 Snatch High…

“Paris” buy in: 129 double unders 5 rds for time 5 strict pull ups 11 power cleans 135/95 13 toes to bar 15 wall balls 5 burpees box jumps 36/30 Then Buy out: 129 double unders

4 rounds, each for time of:200-yard swim Rest as needed between efforts.

5 rounds for time 500 meters row Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Off and On Duty Mary Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 handstand push-ups 10 one-legged squats, alternating 15 pull-ups Note: On duty, if scale is required. Handstand push up for pike push ups on a box, one legged squats on the box or use a post for support, use a…

Off and On Duty “Donny” 21-15-9-9-15-21 reps for time of: 225 pound Deadlift Burpee Note: On duty, scale down the weight or just go with 21-15-9

Off and On Duty For time: 15 squat cleans, 155 lb. 30 toes-to-bars 30 box jumps, 24-inch box 15 muscle-ups 30 shoulders-to-overheads, 40-lb. dumbbells 30 double-unders 15 thrusters, 135 lb. 30 pull-ups 30 burpees 300-foot walking lunge with a 45-lb. plate held overhead Note: On Duty, scale the weight or cut down the reps at…

Off and On Duty Rest day Active recovery, 2000 meters row easy pace or light jog for 10 minutes Stretch and roll 10 minutes

Off and On Duty 4 rounds, each for time of: 800-meter run Rest as needed between efforts.

Off Duty For time: Run 5000 meters On Duty For time: Run 3000 meters

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