Reminder: Beach volleyball this Sat at Foothills athletic park 2:30pm Hotshot 19 hero wod this Sunday with our master photographer Leonora We have 2 teams doing the rocky mountain crusher. There’s still time to register Here’s the wod: Strength W5D2 Front squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 METCON 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall balls 20/14 5 Kettlebell swings…

Beach Volleyball this Saturday at the Foothills athletic park 2:30pm (Right after open gym). Bring your kids, family and friends. Weaknesses 10min METCON For time: 21 handstand push ups 9 overhead squats 135/95 30 box jumps 24/20 15 handstand push ups 15 front squats 135/95 30 box jumps 24/20 9 handstand push ups 21 back…

Here’s a few things we have in the pipeline between now and the end of the year. August Beach Volleyball Sat 20th @2:30 pm, Foothills athletic park “Hotshot 19” hero workout Sunday Aug 21st September 8 weeks Olympic lifting program start, included within the regular classes The Rocky mountain crusher Saturday Sept 10th, we need…

Strength W5D1 Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 METCON 7min AMRAP 25 double unders 7 burpee chest to bar pull ups Note: Rx + for this workout is burpee bar muscle ups

Sunday August 14thReminder: The Athlete Outfitting Company will be at Pyro from 0900 untill noon. Also, Leonora will be taking pictures throughout the workout. These will be used for our new website soon. So, put your Pyro shirt or newly acquired Athlete Outfitting Company apparel/gear on and let’s do this: “31 Heroes” Partner workout 31…

Open gym at 1200-1400hrs Next classes Sunday at 0900/1000 and Open gym at 1100

Heads up Pyromanians, the The Athlete Outfitting Company will be at Crossfit Pyro this Sunday from 0900 until you drop. It’s time to gear up.  We have a wicked oly lifts prog leading into our own Pyro meet this fall. There’s no better way to get ready.  See you Sunday for the Hero workout “31…

Strength W4D3 Widowmaker 20 reps back squat as heavy as possible. Try 5lbs more than last time METCON For time: 21-15-9 Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65 Overhead walking lunges steps 95/65 30ft shuttle run

Want to get some extra fitness in this week? We’ve added an open gym from 1200 until 1400hrs this Saturday Weaknesses 10 min Strength Inverse Tabatas Shoulder press 135/95 Front squat 225/155 Deadlifts 315/225 Rest 2min between exercises Note: Inverse tabata is like a regular tabata except the times are switched. 10 sec of work…

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