Skills Free standing handstand METCON For time: 5 strict pull ups 10 chest to bar pull ups 20 burpees over the box 30/24 40 wall balls 20/14 80 double unders 40 wall balls 20/14 20 burpees over the box 30/24 10 chest to bar pull ups 5 strict pull ups

The swim got moved to the 20th instead of the 13th. Ask for details in class.  Strength Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1  Note: try to hit 105% of snatch 1RM METCON 6 rounds for time 3 power cleans 2 front squats 1 jerk 75% of 1RM clean and jerk on the bar

Mark your calendar, CrossFit Pyro will be at the Renfrew aquatic centre for a swimming workout Saturday Feb 20th, 13:30 until 14:30. Expect some swimming technique work followed by a workout. Here’s the address: 810 13 Ave NE Price: only your drop in admission, 7$

Strength Snatch grip deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5 METCON 8 min Row for distance 4 min rest 8 min AMRAP 50 double unders 2 rope climbs (start seated on the ground)

Strength Overhead squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 METCON 10 minute AMRAP 5 strict handstand push ups 10 one hand kettlebell russian swings alt

Partner workout Strength 10 minutes to establish heaviest push press double from the rack Score= add the 2 partners heaviest lifts together METCON For time: In a team of 2, share the work as needed 100 wall balls 20/14 100 Kettlebell swings 53/35 100 cal row 100 abmat situps

No classes. Back at it Sunday 1000 and 1100 If you have some spare time do this: For time: Run 3k Rest 5 minutes Run 1k Rest 5 minutes Run 1k Post your total time including the rest periods in the comments

Strength Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 METCON 5 rounds for time: 5 L-pull ups 10 hang power cleans 95/65 15 front squats 95/65

Congratulation to Damian for completing the fundamentals! Looking forward to see you in class soon. Skills Muscle up tech work Snatch tech work METCON “AMANDA” For time: 9-7-5 Muscle up Squat snatch 135/95       

Skills and conditioning 10 min EMOM Evens: 15 cal row as fast as possible Odds: 1 rope climb (start seated from the floor) METCON 10-round Tabata squat Then, 3 attempts at max handstand hold Every other cycle, go bottom to bottom for the squat. Meaning that the rest period is at the bottom of the…

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