Do you have a good engine? For time: 100m run 10 double unders 200m run 20 double unders 400m run 40 double unders 800m run 80 double unders 400m run 40 burpees 200m run 20 burpees 100m run 10 burpees

Skills/ strength EM12M Odd: Max paralette L-sit Even: 20ft handstand walk METCON For time: 21-15-9 Power snatch 95/65 Overhead squat 95/65

Partner chipper For time: Run 400m 10 clean and jerks 135/95 40 sit ups 20 thrusters 95/65 30 toes to bar 30 wall balls 20/14 20 chest to bar pull ups 40 squats 10 bar muscle ups Run 400m Note: both partner work simultaneously. The run is together but afterwards, each partner will do different…

Rest day Seriously, rest!!!  Back at it Sunday for a team wod

METCON 5 rounds for time: 200 meters run 2 wall climbs 4 L-sit pull ups 6 hang squat cleans 135/95 Mobility/ stretch 10 minutes

Strength E3M15M 5 unbroken deadlifts Build to max METCON 4 min AMRAP 10 overhead walking lunges 95/65 10 knees to elbow Rest 2 min 4 min AMRAP 10 hang kettlebell power snatch 53/35 10 box jumps 24/20 Rest 2 min 4 min AMRAP Run 400m Max burpees

The order is in. You can pick up your order next time you come in. We have a few extra baseball shirts and tank tops. Grab them quick while they’re HOT!!

Strength E3M30M 3 power snatch 3 overhead squat @ 70% of 1rm

Skillz EM10M Odds: 1 conan drill turn Evens: 10 beat swings METCON 8 min AMRAP 16 kettlebell swings 53/35 32 sit ups

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