Just like August, we’ll be doing a little challenge to get outside our comfort zone. This month, we’ll be focusing on mobility. Every day will have a mobility component incorporated into the programming. You can almost see it as a weakness, in a way that everyday you’ll have a chance to work your personal mobility…

Warm up



18 min AMRAP

1 hill run
18 Overhead squats 95/65

Maintenance/ mobility

Full body stretch
Full body roll

9 rounds for time:

7 squat cleans 185/135
8 burpee box jumps 36/30


12 min EMOM

Odd: Weakness 1
Even: Weakness 2

Note: Talk to your coach, don’t go all out, a few reps of each is enough to work at it. Again, if you’re not sure what to do, ask your coach.


12 min AMRAP

1 muscle up ring or bar
1 deadlift @1 1/2 bodyweight
2 muscle ups
2 deadlifts
3 muscle ups
3 deadlifts

keep adding 1 rep on each movement until you run out of time.

Scale: Strict pull ups and bodyweight deadlifts


Snatch pull 2-2-2-2-2 @ 110% of 1rm

Hang squat snatch 2-2-2-2-2 build to max


For time:

Row 2000m

“CrossFit Pyro golf”

Complete the following in the least amount of sets. Your score the number of sets. Time is not recorded but try to keep under 40min

30 deadlifts 225/165
50 shoulder to overhead 95/65
30 pull ups
50 wall balls 20/14
30 handstand push ups
50 knees to elbows
30 hang squat cleans 95/65
300 double unders

For example: If you break each movements 3 times your score would be 24

Rest day No classes, back at it Sunday 9/10 and 11 for some CrossFit golf. Last couple days for the nutrition challenge, who’s still going? Keep it up. Following the nutrition challenge, we’ll officially announce our prescribed nutrition plan. Obviously, eating healthy and clean goes way more than just a month challenge, it must be…


1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats

5 sets, work to your max, rest as needed between sets


5 rounds for time:

6 hang power cleans 95/65
9 shoulder to overhead 95/65
12 back rack lunge steps 95/65

Sc 75/55
Rx+ 115/85

Weaknesses 5 minutes Skills/ strength  E2M12M (6 cycles) 3 high hang squat clean Note: Same as Tuesday with the snatch, work on technique, speed under the bar. Build up if technique is good, otherwise pick a weight that make sense and stick with it. METCON For time: 100 ft handstand walk 100 box jumps 24/20…

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