Pyro will be at Injanation tonight 6pm. Try to arrive a few minutes early so we’re ready to rock for 6pm. We’re aiming for 1 hour at the cost of 20$ but if you want to stay longer, go ahead. If you can make it but you’ll be late, please come, just join us when you arrive. 2 parkour circuits, warp wall, trampolines and tons of cool stuff to play around with. Also, as you probably heard, event 5 at Pyromania III in July will be the military parkour from Injanation so this is the perfect opportunity to come try it out. See you then
E3M15M (5 cycles per movement)
Alternate each minute
1min 3 ring or bar muscle ups
1min 15 GHD sit ups
1min 15/12 cals row
Note: If you don’t have 5-10 solid chest to bar pull ups, work on your pull ups. If you can perform chest to bar pull ups with ease, work on your muscle ups. This is a strength/skills session, use it wisely. Alternate for the GHD situps can be toes to bar, knees to elbows or regular situps. Cals row for females is 12
8min AMRAP
15 wall balls 20/14
30 double unders
Rx+ wall balls 30/20
Injanation tomorrow night at 6pm. 1 hour of play, run, jump and just being kids again. 20$ per hour. See you then
For time:
30 clean and jerk 135/95
White Firebreather: 95/65
Silver Firebreather (Rx): 135/95
Gold Firebreather: 225/155
Legendary: 245/165 (squat clean and jerk)
Note; Lots of options here. If you’ve never done “GRACE” as prescribed, go with it. This is meant to be a short workout, aim for about 5 minutes. If you’ve done it a few times and you know where you’re at, we invite you to challenge yourself. Obviously, going heavier, like the Gold or Legendary versions completely change the intensity. Keep the workout for time but you’ll need more rest, aim for 1 rep every 45sec or on the minute. It’s a lot about knowing yourself if you can physically do it. Also, adding a squat clean at each rep will definitely up the challenge. Have fun and be smart.
Weightlifting W11D2
4 sets
3 hang power clean + 3 push jerks
4 sets
3 hang squat clean + 3 split jerks
Hatch W11D2
Back squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%
Front squats1*5 60%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 80%
Injanation Friday at 6pm. No classes, we all go play and have fun. Try to arrive a few minutes early for registration and sign the waiver. Let’s aim to get all started together for 6pm. If you can’t make it for 6pm and you’ll be late, all good, you’ll just join us when you arrive. Chances are a bunch of us will do more than 1 hour anyway. No reservation necessary, just show up and bring 20$. 1 hour of fun. See you then
For time:
800m run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 chest to bar pull ups
10 burpees
400m run
10 burpees
20 chest to bar pull ups
30 sit ups
40 squats
800m run
Note: The run is around the block, the Pyromania II 400. (Up the hill, turn left, left down in the back alley, left at the bottom and back in front of Pyro)
Join us tonight for our intro to CrossFit session at 7pm. Everybody welcome, non members and current members. Tell your friends, family and coworkers, this is going to be informative, lots of moving around and we get to do a workout. Here’s what to expect in the 1 hour session:
What is CrossFit
Origin of CrossFit
The CrossFit methodology
Workout demo
Pyro intro workout
Cool down and questions
The snatch
For time:
30 snatch
Note: We’ve been working on this for the last 3 weeks, time to shine. Last time we did “ISABEL” was Saturday January 6th 2018 in the Firebreather class
Scaled: 95/65
Rx: 135/95
Unpleasant: 165/115
Nightmare: 185/135
Legendary: 205/145
Weightlifting W11D1
Power snatch
Hatch W11D1
Back squat
1*5 60%
1*3 70%
1*2 80%
1*2 90%
1*1 95%
1*1 103%
Front squat
1*5 60%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 75%
Both the weightlifting and the hatch squat cycle are 2 weeks away from being complete. Today is the day that you test your back squat, if you followed the program completely, you should have no problem getting that 103%. If you feel good at 103%, go for it and try for more. PR city!! We’ll be testing the snatch and clean and jerk next week. New cycle starts right after.
For time:
50 cals bike
50 wall balls 20/14
50 cals bike
150 double unders
What a weekend that was!! Regionals at Pyro was epic! For those of you that did all the workouts, congratulations! This was definitely challenging. We hope that you had fun and got a chance to try new things like the handstand walk ramp.
Our goal is to support sustainable fitness and long term realistic fitness and lifestyle, regionals and games athletes is next level. To achieve these levels of fitness, athletes have to make a choice, to dedicate their lives to be the best. Not that our programming doesn’t support that, if you train everyday, do all our programming, sleep well, eat well, maybe add some accessory work, it will get you there, there is no magic pill, it’s a matter of choice, hard work and commitment. In the end, we don’t need to be at that level to be extremely fit and healthy. So, why did we do the regionals workouts at Pyro? To get out of our comfort zone, to try new things, to get better and ultimately, to be part of the community. This was a lot of fun!
Last day to order your awesome Pyro apparels is Friday June 6th. We will have some extras but very limited.
There will be no classes Friday night as we’ all going to meet at Injanation for 6pm. We get full gym access, trampoline, ninja parkour, warp wall, obstacles course and the military parkout which is one of our featured event for Pyromania in July. Cost is 20$ for 1 hour, no reservation necessary, just show up. See you all there.
Overhead squats
Front squats
Back squats
Perfect for a ROMWOD
Note: MMM stands for “Mandatory Maintenance and Mobility
Last day of Regionals workouts. The body is soar, the muscle are tight, the DOMs are settling in. Let’s do this!
Event 5 at 9 and 10am classes
Event 6 at 11 and 12pm classes
EVENT 5 (9 and 10 only)
For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
50 dumbbell box step-overs 70/50 24/20
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge 70/50
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge 70/50
M 17-min. time cap
F 22-min. time cap
Note: Notice that the the 50 cals air bike has been changed to 50 sumo deadlift high pulls at light load, this is to accommodate our single assault bike. The idea is to somewhat mimic a high intensity movement that would replicate the bike and keep the it close to the same time frame. Obviously, SDLHP are not the same as the air bike but we had to find something that works for the classes. If you’re doing the workout as prescribed, regionals standards, use the bike.
EVENT 6 (11 and 12 only)
For time:
4 rope climbs
16 thrusters 155/105
3 rope climbs
12 thrusters 155/105
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters 155/105
**Rope climbs are shorties, you can only lock in at eye level**
Time cap: 7 minutes
Note: For both workouts, if scaling, no time cap. If you’re doing Regionals standards as prescribed, use the time cap.
Regionals at Pyro is in full swing!! Nice work to all of you who did the Triple 3 and LINDA. Both workouts are extremely challenging, regardless how you scaled. Today’s a new day, new workouts, new challenges and new skills to test. Remember that those workouts are designed to test the best. Doing those workouts as prescribe is a feat in itself. Don’t let the complexity and the difficulty fool you, like any workouts, everything is scalable to your level. Remember to have fun!
Event 3 at 9 and 10
Event 4 at 11 and 12
*Make sure you sign up on Rhinofit so we avoid bottle neck. For those that might want to do Triple 3, go ahead*EVENT 3
Regional Event 3
3 rounds for time:
9 muscle-ups
36-ft. handstand walk
36-45-54 single-leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk
If possible, place obstacles in your handstand walk area to mimic the Regional event. 3 options, Scaled, Rx and Regionals. Rx is 36ft handstand walk with a set of 45# plates to go over. Regionals is with the ramp and the steps just like the games
Time cap: 13 minutes
3 rounds for time:
9 strict pull ups
36 inverted hand releases
36-45-54 lunges steps
36 inverted hand releases
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches 175/125
12 bar facing burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
10 snatches 115/75
12 bar facing burpees
Time cap: 9 minutes
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches 115/85
12 bar facing burpees
then, 2 rounds of:
10 snatches 75/55
12 bar facing burpees
Regionals workouts at Pyro starts today
9/1030 and 12
3k row
300 double unders
3miles run (Pyro mile)
Time cap: 49min
2k row
300 single unders
2miles run (Pyro mile)
Time cap: 49min
Note: Looks like the weather might not be on our side tomorrow. Dress accordingly. We have a limited amount of rowers, we have couple options, we can do scattered starts on the row or have some of you starting with the run. If you’re going Rx, start with the row.
5/6/7 and 8pm
Deadlift 295/220
Bench press 195/135
Squat clean 145/105
Time cap: 17min
Deadlift 225/155
Bench press 135/95
Squat clean 95/65
Time cap: 17min
Hello Pyromanians,
Summer is here, the weather is nice, vacation is upon us. Time to enjoy some outdoor activities and chill. But what about working out at the gym? Well, as you probably know, attendance is way down these last couple days. The workouts are there, the coaching is top notch and we’ve added lots of running so we can enjoy the nice weather. We know it’s way more appealing to go have a nice refreshing drink with a couple friends than crushing a 30min chipper in 25+ degrees weather. Well, is it? Or can it be both? One of our primary tasks is to motivate you, to help you achieve your goals, to guide you in the right direction. We’re also here to remind you that you are not at your destination yet. Being active, staying healthy doesn’t stop because it’s nice out. Being healthy is about lifestyle and habits. If coming to the gym these days requires you to get out of your way to make it happen, that’s exactly why you should do it. We’re definitely not here to tell anyone how to live their lives, we’re here to help you develop that good lifestyle and habits. This whole fitness and training thing doesn’t have to be an obsession, it has to be balanced within everything else, family, hobbies, work, rest and having fun. There’s no way, no way you don’t have one hour in your day to make it happen. There’s no such thing as no time. Only priorities. Between 6am and 9pm, there are many opportunities to come by. Being tired is a mindset, there’s no way work can make you so tired that you can’t workout and do something for yourself. The big separator these days is between those that keep coming, focus on their goals and those that took it easy or just stopped. Now, we have a great end of the week ahead of us, get to the gym. Let’s do this!!