Power snatch
Build to max, drops allowed but keep them close together
Hang cleans
Build to max, no drops
*Weightlifting W3D2*
7min AMRAP
10 power snatch 75/55
3 ring muscle ups
7min AMRAP
10 power snatch 75/55
3 pull ups
Accessory work
Crossover symmetry 3x each
Incline plus
30 snatch grip sots presses (light load, bar or even PVC pipe)
30 glute ham raises (on the GHD or ground with a partner)
“Never forget”
911 memorial workout
For time:
343 burpees
343 walking lunges
Rx+ weight vest on
Legendary/ For time: 343 burpees and 343 walking lunges with weight vest
On September 2001, 343 firefighters lost their lives responding to the World Trade Center incident.
This workout might seems like the worst, but it is nothing compare to what the victims, families and friends of the victims and all the people affected by this tragedy had to go through. Let’s remember those that lost their lives. Now, this is a workout, whatever your fitness level is, challenge yourself and remember, whatever you do, it will never be as bad as being in a tower, on fire, collapsing on you. CrossFit is about being comfortable with the uncomfortable and this is exactly what this workout will do, make you uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable make you fitter, better and mentally stronger. Attendance for classes tomorrow should be at an all time high. Let’s do this!!!
CrossFit Lite/beginners
Snatch and the clean and jerk
15min AMRAP
Acc work (on your own time)
Crossover symmetry 3x each
Snow angel
Bear hug
30 PVC pipe split jerks
Not for time: 50 back extensions
Weightlifting W3D1
Clean and jerk
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM
Back squats
Workout 1:
For time:
5k run or row
Post times in comments
Workout 2:
For time:
Cals bike
D-ball cleans 100/70
Front squats
*3sec pause at the bottom*
12min AMRAP
50 box jumps 24/20
40 abmat sit ups
30 wall balls 20/14
20 kettlebell swings 70/53
10 wall climbs
Note: If you finish the 10 wall climbs, go back to the box jumps
The accessory work will be posted with the daily post. This is meant to be done on your own as an extra warm up piece for your wods, effective cool down after the wods or simply as extra work daily. This is also meant to build core strength, reinforce the shoulders, develop skills and technique. The acc work will be tying in with the regular programming and everything else so we don’t overuse joints and muscle groups.
Acc work
Crossover symmetry (Refer to chart)
3 sets of each
Reverse fly
Pull down
30 PVC pipe squat snatch
Note: Make each rep like it’s a 1RM, reinforce good motor patterns
Not for time: 50 GHD sit ups
BLACKOUT is officially the CrossFit Pyro programming. CrossFit, Weightlifting, Accessory work, Floater wods, Mobility and Maintenance, Nutrition, beginners to elite athletes, kids and teens program, everything will be delivered to you by email daily, in your inbox in a nice convenient format. We will continue to offer our programming on the website and the FB community group but we wanted to reach more of you. If you do not wish to receive the daily emails, just unsubscribe, it’s all good. Our programming is special, we spend a lot of time to deliver the best CrossFit and general fitness program possible. We have a huge passion for it and we wanted to give it an identity. So here it is, the BLACKOUT PROGRAMMING
METCON (Weightlifting W2D4 incorporated)
8min to find 1RM snatch (any style)
4min AMRAP
8 burpees over the bar (not bar facing)
4 cleans (any style) at your 1RM snatch
8min to find 1RM clean (any style)
4min AMRAP
8 burpees over the bar
4 deadlifts (at 1RM clean)
Note: The 8min to find your max is meant to give you a short timeframe and limit how much you can build up to. With the holiday last week, it was hard to put in the 4 days of weightlifting so we made D4 a mix heavy lifting and conditioning, classic CrossFit if you will and still allow you to do good heavy singles.
Scoring: Your score is your 1RM snatch + 1RM clean + reps in both AMRAP all combined
Full details on the kids/teens Pyro program very soon. Next-Generation 07-13 and Next-Generation 14-17. Stay tuned
Good luck to all the Pyro athletes competing at the Rocky Mountain Crusher. Have fun!!
The Granite Games is now officially a CrossFit sanctioned event
Accumulate 2min of Hollow body
Accumulate 2min of Arch position
Ring series x5
Rings approximately at hip level
Not for time:
30 ring muscle up transitions (low rings)
4 rounds for time:
12 pistols
9 V-ups
6 ring push ups
Weightlifting W2D3 (Day 4 is Sunday)
Power snatch
Power clean + push jerk
Note: Perform 3 power cleans then go push jerk for the last rep
Overhead squats
“Rocky Mountain Crusher for all”
Pyro is a community, we’re team, if some of us are doing something, we’re all doing it. We don’t have the full details on the workouts yet so they have been altered to fit at Pyro
Team of 2
For time:
WOD 1:
As a relay
Dumbbell snatch 50/35
Dumbbell squat (Single arm, dumbbell at or above shoulder) 50/35
Note: Partner 1 goes and then partner 2
1mile run (Pyro mile)
WOD 2:
4 rounds for “DT” (2 rounds each alternating)
12 deadlifts 155/105
9 hang power cleans 155/105
6 shoulder to overhead 155/105
1mile run (Pyro mile)
Are you ready to go BLACKOUT? More info very soon, stay tuned
Snatch complex
E2M12M (6 sets)
1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat
Note: Replace the snatch balance snatch for an overhead squat if necessary. Build up to max
10min AMRAP
8 overhead squats 95/65
8 toes to bar
50 double unders
Note: Similar to Tuesday’s workout, the clean and jerk complex is now a snatch complex and the METCON is the same rep scheme but with overhead squats and toes to bar. Good times guarantee. Can you match your Tuesday’s score?
The battle Royale is gearing up to be absolutely epic!! Don’t forget to sign up on the sheet by the whiteboard. Who will be the 2018 champion?
22 teams registered for the Festivus Games. Divisions are looking good but we can definitely take more guys in the Novice and Intermediate div. Reminder that the Festivus Games are not just a competition at CrossFit Pyro, you are competing against 8000 other athletes on the leaderboard. In case you didn’t know, the Festivus Games are huge.
3 deficit double overhand deadlifts
Note: Build to max, feet on 25lbs plates or 2inches, touch and go only, no drops or regrip at the ground
3min AMRAP
30 med ball cleans 20/14
Max handstand walk (5ft increments)
2min rest
3min AMRAP
30 med ball cleans 20/14
Max handstand walk (5ft increments)
Note: 5ft = 1 rep
Scaled: No increments required but every 5ft still equals 1 rep
25ft sections, 1 full length = 5 reps
The goal is to get approx 2 minutes of handstand walk with elevated heart rate and the tight timeframe
No deficit, any grip and no time frame. Focus on technique and proper form
3min AMRAP
30 med ball cleans 20/14
Max bear crawl
2min rest
3min AMRAP
30 med ball cleans 20/14
Max bear crawl
Note: 5ft = 1 rep
25ft sections, 1 full length = 5 reps
Weightlifting W2D2
Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM
Front squats
Note: All working sets above 60% of 1RM
Kick up/Kip up
Note: See attached video for tuturial
For time:
Buy in: 500m row
5 rounds
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20 (box facing)
12 kettlebell snatch (6 per side) 53/35
9 ring dips
Buy out: 500m row
ROMWOD short version
Battle Royale sign up sheet is by the whiteboard. Absolutely free!!! Let’s do this
The apparel order sheet is also by the whiteboard, if you want anything, please put your name down with your size. We have tshirts, tank tops, sweat pants, tuques, shorts, parkas, hoodies. We’ll be getting some extras but will be very limited
E2M12M (6 sets)
Clean and jerk complex
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk (push or split)
Note: Build to max. We’ll be doing a similar complex for the snatch later this week
10min AMRAP
8 front squats 135/95
8 knees to elbow
50 double unders
5 sets (No time frame)
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk (push)
10min AMRAP
8 goblet squat 53/35
8 knee raises
50 single unders
Weightlifting W2D1
Clean and jerk
Note: Build to max for the day
Clean pulls
Note: Aim for 100% or 110% of 1RM clean and jerk
Back squats
Note: All working sets above 60% of 1RM