“Barbell overload”
For time:
25 deadlifts
25 power cleans
25 shoulder to overhead
25 front squats
25 thrusters
Every minute on the minute perform 3 burpees (Starts with 3 burpees)
Rx 95/65
Rx+ 115/85
Pyromanian: But coach, we did burpees already this week?
Coach: Yes, exactly
Pyromanian: But we did squats already too?
Coach: Yes exactly
Coach: Any other relevant questions?
Pyromanian: Where are the cookies?
Hang power cleans
Power cleans
Clean and Jerks
Acc work
25 slow GHD sit ups
25 slow hip extension
Friendly reminder, make sure you sign up for classes
Sumo deadlift
3 rounds for time:
1 rope climb
15 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
15 overhead squats 95/65
Rx+ Legless rope climbs and 115/85 on the bar
Note: Increase by 1 rope climb each round (Round 1 = 1 rope climb, round 2 = 2 rope climbs, round 3 = 3 rope climbs)
Maintenance/ Mobility
Pancake stretch 2min
Split jerk
Note: Keep it light, work on foot position on landing and recovery. Barbell only or light load
15min AMRAP
2 strict pull ups
10 burpees box jumps 24/20
15 wall balls 20/14
Rx+ 2 bar muscle ups
Half split 1min per side
Pigeon 1min per side
Hang power snatch
Power snatch
Snatch balance
Acc work
Back extension (Go weighted if necessary)
Competitive athletes seminar Saturday April 29th at 12pm
Back squat
6min AMRAP
6 dumbbell power cleans 50/35
6 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 50/35
6 toes to bar
AGOQ workout 4
2 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts 315/225
20 deficit handstand push ups 4.5/3
30 front squats 95/65
Half saddle 1min per side
Twisted cross 1min per side
Double pigeon 1min per side
Are you ready to start CrossFit or a healthy lifestyle? There’s no better time than now. CrossFit Pyro is starting a new set of fundamentals Saturday May 6th at 12pm. The session should be about 1:30hr depending on questions and how many people are in. We’ll be covering what CrossFit is, its origin, benchmarks workouts, terms used and language, scalling, the first 3 months, fundamental movements like squats, presses and deadlifts, how to get most of the programming and maintain the intent of the workouts and most importantly, how to have fun. This session is included with all memberships and is for everyone. If you’ve been at Pyro for a while and missed out on the last fundamentals session, we highly recommend taking it. Lots of important information covered there that simply can’t be covered in regular classes. For more information please contact us at crossfitpyro@gmail.com
Congrats to the Pyro Crew crushing it at the Festivus games. Congrats to Jenn Bos on her 1st place!!! You guys rock!!!
AGOQ workout 3
For time:
Shoulder to overhead 135/95
Chest to bar pull ups
Rest 5min
For time:
Box jumps 30/24
Abmat sit ups (18-30-42)
Good luck to the Pyro crew going to the Festivus games this weekend. Work hard, push yourself, stay healthy and have a fun!!! We can’t wait to hear back about your experience