This weekend is the West Regionals in Portland. It’s also Regionals at Pyro (to some capacity). We’ll be doing the whole programming over the weekend, Even 1/2 today, 3/4 Saturday and 5/6 Sunday. Each workout is to be treated like any other workout at Pyro, scale accordingly, use weights that makes sense for you, maintain the intent of the workout and have fun. The main difference with the Regionals workouts is the time caps and we’ll have a set rest time in between events. Basically, do all you can in the time frame
We have a full extra week to do the Canwest games. If you desire to get it done right away, you can do so this weekend during open gym times
For time, wearing a weight vest:
1,200-m run
Then, 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 squats
Men wear a 20-lb. vest
Women wear a 14-lb. vest
Time cap: 25 minutes
10min rest
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Ring dips
Men use an 80-lb. dumbbell
Women use a 55-lb. dumbbell
Time cap: 6 minutes
Power snatch
Hang clean
Shoulder press
Note: All build to max
Acc work
Couch stretch 2min per side
The Canwest games have extended their submission deadline for 17.5 by 1 week to accommodate for the regionals athletes. This is great because we’ll be doing all the regionals workouts at Pyro over the weekend. Expect 2 workouts per sessions. Each workouts have time caps so it will keep us on time. If you desire to do the Canwest games workout right away this weekend, you’ll be able to do so during open gym times Friday night at 8pm, Sat at 11am, Sun at 11am
Guys night out is Saturday June 10th starting at 4pm with Archery tag, then back to Pyro for the Team Iron Triathlon, BBQ/Potluck, cold beverages and games. Archery tag is all set and for up to 15 of us
Skills/Warm up
10min running drills
Rum 200/400/800/1200/1600m
Each for time, 3min rest between runs
5-10min hips/hamstrings focus
Pyromanian: But coach, I suck at running
Coach: That’s precisely why you should do it
Pyromanian: You’re right
Coach: Thank you!
Reminder: Guys night out Saturday June 10th starting at 4pm
2017 CrossFit Pyro promotional video filming Sunday June 11th. Possibly Firebreather focus this time. Details coming soon
Clean and Jerk
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets
Accumulate 2min of paralette L-sit hold
Watch the link video, really good demonstration of what the intent of the workout is
Clean and Jerk (Build to max for the day, keep it under 1rm)
Clean pulls @110% of 1rm clean and jerk (Fixed weight)
Back squat (Build to max, try to get your last 3 sets above 1rm clean and jerk)
Acc work
Clean grip sots press
This is Wilson’s last workout at Pyro today. We put together a workout for him. He’s been with us for 14 months since the garage, since then he’s developed a set of skills we’ll highlight for the workout. Good luck in your new adventure, whenever you come to Calgary, you’re welcome to Pyro any time.
15min to establish highest box jump
14min AMRAP
1 bar muscle up
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20
30 double unders
Note: Sorry Wilson, you have to Rx this, no other way
Sadly, this week is the last time we’ll see Wilson. Join us Tuesday night for his last workout at Pyro. Wilson has been with us since the beginning in the garage, 14 months ago. Wilson got a job opportunity in Vancouver. It’s always sad to see one of us go, your presence will always be there with the Pyromania I and II posters at the box.
Every 2min for 10min
5 tire flips or 5 deadlifts
Note: For the deadlifts, warm up to a moderately heavy weight for you and repeat for 5 sets
For time:
50 sit ups
25 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
40 sit ups
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
30 sit ups
15 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
20 sit ups
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
10 sit ups
5 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Stretch and roll 5min
Back focus
Join us for the memorial day hero workout “MURPH”. Classes at 9/10 and 11. We have a professional photographer on site to capture the moment. Free to all service personnel (EMS, CPS, FIRE and military), 10$ drop in for non-members
For time:
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run
*Partition pull ups, push ups and squats as needed. If you have a weigh vest, wear it. 20/14
Partition option: 20 rounds of 5/10/15
Partition option #2: 5 rounds of 20/40/60
Muscle snatch
Clean and jerk
Front squat (Try to match your max clean and jerk for today)
Acc work
Dumbbell lateral raise
Olympic lifting Fundamentals tomorrow at 8pm. This is for everyone, new to current members. If you need to brush up on your technique or just learning the basics, this is for you. Even if you feel like your technique is decent, it’s still worth your time, You’ll get 1hr30min of practice with a group of awesome individuals. See you tomorrow