CrossFit Pyro is located in the Greenview community, Calgary, Alberta, Canada born out of pure passion for fitness. CrossFit Pyro’s goal is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness program. Our fitness program will get you ready not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable of life.

Most of CrossFit Pyro’s workouts are based on functional movements. Movements like squatting, lifting things from the ground, jumping, running and pulling. These movements are used in a constantly varied fashion while performing them at high intensity to produce results.

CrossFit Pyro’s program is designed for universal scalability, which means that regardless of your experience, fitness level, skills level or existing injuries, we’ll find a way to get you moving in a safe way. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. We believe in progression. This is where our coaching comes into play, proper movement mechanics will be taught, demonstrated and adapted to each member to ensure safe movement patterns and proper progression is achieved. We also believe in small group classes to really focus on the needs of each individuals, get to know each other and build relationships.

Expect anything from Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting, Basic Weight Lifting, Cardiovascular activities, to a combination of all the above.

The needs of professional athletes and grand parents differ by degree, not kind. That means a professional athlete might do the exact same workout than an elderly person. but the weights used and intensity will differ — the movement patterns, the muscle groups targeted and the intent will be the same.

Once you come through our doors, open your mind, leave your ego out and have fun with people of our community, results will follow if you persist. You’ll feel right at home.

Our Mission

“Ignite your potential”

At CrossFit Pyro, it is our mission to help our members achieve their goals. It is our mission to empower our members within our community. It is our mission to make absolutely everyone feel welcome to our facility. It is our mission to provide the best customer service possible, from a management standpoint, our coaches, our fitness program and by listening to our member’s feedback. It is our mission to keep educating our staff to improve. Finally, it is our mission to help our members ignite their inner potential, freeing it to become more.

Our Vision

To continuously have a positive impact in our community and help anyone who comes
through our doors achieve true health in mind and body.

Our Values

 Honor • Dignity • Loyalty • Teamwork • Integrity • Respect • Discipline • Determination


  • David Rochon | Owner, Head Coach

    Owner / Head Coach

    “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

    I’ve been doing CrossFit for about five years, from casual couple times a week to being more competitive about two years ago. Husband, father of three, full-time Firefighter, affiliate owner, coach and a competitive athlete. CrossFit, fitness and being physically active in general is a true passion of mine, and sharing this passion is just part of me. Inspiring and helping others achieve their goals is my vocation.

    Crossfit Certifications
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3 in progress

    Experience and other certifications
    Professional Firefighter 11 years
    AFLCA lvl 3
    NCAA Weightlifting
    Personal trainer in various gyms
    Competitive baseball AAA, pitcher
    Marathons x2
    Numerous running races

    Favourite workouts
    Anything with heavy loads and high level skills gymnastics. “Heavy AMANDA”

    Competitive CrossFit experience
    2014 Open 206th Canada West
    2015 Open 68th Canada West
    2016 Open 47th Canada West
    2017 Open 29th Canada West
    2017 Masters 35-39 qualifier 81st world
    2017 Service Open 35/39 Firefighter 7th World
    2017 Elite division 35-39 Los Angeles World Police Fire Games Qualifier
    2017 Los Angeles World Police Fire Games Elite division 5th place
    2015 Fairfax World Police Fire Games 30-34 4th place
    2017 CanWest games 35-39 Individuals qualifier
    2017 CanWest games Elite tribe qualifier
    Over a dozen local competitions, Individuals and teams

  • Emilie Dion | Owner, Coach

    Owner / Coach

    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a life-time”

    As a kid, I was always the equal mix of shy and girly as well as sporty and competition driven. I really liked to fight as a kid and so I did 9 years of competitive Judo and then went to fashion school to become a fashion designer. After a few years of focusing on what women should look like based on what the society project instead of what they should be or accomplish, I got lost. David introduced me to CrossFit after I had my three kids and it changed everything but especially my fitness goals for better. I have since learned so much about myself and I love everything about it. Most importantly, I get to share this passion with amazing people every day as well as influencing my own kids. CrossFit has changed my life.

    Crossfit Certifications
    CF Level 2, Scaling course, judge course and anatomy (in progress)
    CrossFit kids

    Crossfit Open
    2017 finished 43 in masters Canada West and 281 Canada West Rx ( first open RX)

    Favourite workouts
    Partner workout are my favourites as well as long workout with running and body movement. The longer they are the better it gets

    Athletic Background
    Gymnastics, competitive Judo, Rugby, completed a few marathons, half marathons and trail races


  • Theresa Squire


    “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow”

    Training/coaching as an amateur boxer had been the biggest part of my fitness for many years. I decided to broaden my knowledge. I needed something to keep me motivated to continue learning and give me the tools to develop new goals in fitness. I began Crossfit in the fall of 2014. And haven’t looked back! Beginning with 3 days a week, I can now be found almost every day working on something at Crossfit Pyro. I’ve been all over the place as a bicycle messenger in Calgary for 12+ years and then onto competitive training in boxing. I’ve come to love and appreciate the community Crossfit has to offer, but more specifically Crossfit Pyro! Growing, learning and teaching have become staples in my life. And now something I wouldn’t want to live without!

    Crossfit Coach; As of:
    October 2017

    Crossfit Certifications
    Crossfit Level 1
    Crossfit Level 2
    Crossfit Scaling
    Crossfit Judge
    Crossfit Anatomy (in progress)

    Experience and other certifications
    Coach Canada
    Boxing Coach Module Airdrie AB Nov-2012
    Multisport Module: Make Ethical Decisions/Build a training session/Nutrition Calgary AB Dec-2012

    Competitive Crossfit Experience
    I have participated in local events within the last year as an individual and in team events.

    Favourite workouts
    Anything with a barbell!

    Athletic Background
    Cycling, Boxing, snowboarding

  • Scott Regier

    CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

    “Only the mediocre are always at their best”

    I started CrossFit in 2013 to challenge and improve my personal fitness. As much as I enjoy pursuing my own fitness goals, I enjoy helping others achieve their goals and redefine what they believe they are capable of. 

    Crossfit Coach; As of:
    July 2017

    Crossfit Certifications
    CrossFit level 1

    Experience and other certifications
    Standard first aid/CPR level HCP

    Competitive Crossfit Experience
    Participated in multiple local events since 2013 as an individual, in partner events and in team events

    Crossfit Pyro – Firebreather Rank

    Favourite workouts
    Any long chipper

  • Helen Schott

    2.5 Yrs - Crossfitter, 1 Year - Coach

    “Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough”

    I have an athletic background in alpine ski racing and coaching, bodybuilding, track and field and have a general love for all outdoor sports. I first tried CrossFit in 2016 and was immediately hooked, enjoying both the diversity of the workouts and the fact that there are always new skills and goals to work on. I am passionate about instilling a love of sport, health, and fitness in as many people as I can, and showing them that working out really can be fun and something to look forward to.

    Crossfit Coach; As of:
    July 2017

    Crossfit Certifications
    CF Level 2
    Crossfit Judges Course
    Crossfit Gymnastic Course
    Weightlifting Level 1

    Experience and other certifications
    Calgary Police Officer
    10 yrs Professional Alpine Ski Coach; CSCF Level 2
    5 Yrs Emergency Medical Technician
    BKin, Major in Athletic Therapy
    Certificate of Athletic Therapy (CATA)
    AFLCA Trainer, specialty in Resistance Training

    Competitive Crossfit Experience
    2016 Battle in the Barracks – Women’s Rx Division- 1 st Place
    2017 Crossfit Open – Open Women – 88 th Canada West
    2017 Canmore Crusher – Team Rx Division – 7 th Place
    2017 Battle in the Barracks – Women’s Elite Division – 7 th Place
    2018 Attollo Cup – Women’s Team Rx – 10 th place
    2018 Western Classic – Women’s Team Rx – 12 th place
    2018 Crossfit Open – Open Women- 126 th Canada West
    2018 Southside Brawl – Team Rx Division – 8 th place
    2018 CanWest Qualifiers – 28 th Place (Qualifying spot)

    Favourite workouts
    “Fight Gone Bad”
    Any type of chipper

  • Antonio Listro


    “Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince”

    Found Crossfit in November 2016 after searching for an Olympic lifting facility. While playing football in high school I was introduced to Olympic lifting and loved it. I love how Crossfit involves so many different movements to achieve amazing results. Fitness was always part of my life, however, now it is at the forefront and I love every minute of it. I find it very rewarding helping others find and accomplish their fitness and healthy lifestyle goals. I look forward to many more years of developing my fitness and enjoying the fun competitions and community involved with Crossfit

    Crossfit Certifications
    Level 1 Coach Jan 2018
    Level 2 Coach

    Crossfit weightlifting Nov 2018
    Crossfit judges course

    Experience and other certifications
    Calgary firefighter since 2007
    UWO Hon BA Kinesiology
    UWO Mustangs heavyweight rowing
    UWO Mustangs cheerleading
    Hockey, softball, skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, alpine touring, cycling, motocross, triathlons

    Competitive Experience
    2018 Tinman Triathlon
    2018 Crossfit Open
    2018 Western Classic
    2018 Pyromania
    2018 Festivus Games (1 st place)
    2018 Canmore Crusher
    2017 Pyromania II
    2017 Battle Royal
    2017 Festivus Games
    2017 Canmore Crusher

    Favourite workouts
    Anything with barbell cycling, chippers

  • Peter Stevenson


    “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow”

    I wasn’t an athletic kid growing up, but I grew to love the barbell and strength training in my 20s. I started doing CrossFit in 2019, which continued to expand my range of fitness and my comfort level with trying new challenging things. The CrossFit Pyro community became a big part of my life, and coaching has given me the opportunity to give back to that community while sharing the knowledge and enthusiasm that I’ve built up

    Crossfit Coach as of

    July 2022

    Crossfit Certifications

    Crossfit Level 1

    Formal Education

    Advanced First Aid & CPR/AED level C

    Favourite workouts


  • Rachel Salsman


    “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle”

    Though I played some team sports in high school and rode horses, I was never very athletic and I hadn’t worked out in a gym until I was in my mid to late 20’s.  I started with a trainer to lose the weight I had gained over 6 years of university but I got hooked by the feeling of being strong and capable!  After moving to Calgary I was feeling lost and losing motivation to workout.  I decided to give CrossFit a try in 2017 and fell in love with the workouts and the community.  Soon after joining Crossfit, I knew I wanted to coach. I love helping people realize they are capable of more than they’ve ever thought. Helping people learn new skills and reach their goals has been very rewarding.

    Crossfit Coach as of
    January 2019

    Crossfit Certifications
    CF level 1
    CF level 2

    CF Gymnastics

    Experience and other certifications
    Precision Nutrition Level 1
    10 years working as a rehabilitation specialist for people with physical disabilities
    4 years as a personal trainer
    Darby Training Systems Level 1 Certification
    Stretch to win- Fascial Stretch Essentials Workshop Certification
    Agatsu Lower body Mobility and Movement Certification level 1
    Kettlebell Fundamentals Course

    Formal Education
    BSc Double Major in Biology and Psychology from Dalhousie University,
    BA (Hons) Conductive Education from University of Wolverhampton

    Favourite workouts
    Body weight workouts or a good chipper

    The next nutrition challenge starts May 1st
    Duration: 8 Weeks
    Price: 200+GST

    Two tracks are available for performance and weight-loss, & includes:

    • Access to the Facebook support group which will be mediated by a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, and where weekly educational information will be shared

    • Personalised calorie and macro break-down

    • A Bi-weekly meeting with the group to discuss relevant topics and support each other

    • Option to add coach to MyFitnessPal

    Book with Rhinofit via the Calendar

  • Noel Edwards


    “Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get back up”

    I was raised in what I guess you could call a traditional sports and education driven household.  Sport and competition started for me the day I could stand on my own two feet. so if there is a sport out there chances are I’ve had a taste of it, but only a few have captured my passionate side…… Crossfit is one of them.
    My Crossfit journey really started 9 years ago and about 3 after I decided to retire from the world cup mountain bike circuit. I was in search of something new and after the first class, I was hooked! since then I’ve competed in 6 opens, an unknown number of individual, team and mixed team competitions across Canada (even had the opportunity to take part one year in Mexico). I’ve coached and promoting the passion and sport of CrossFit on and off for around 5 years.
    I am a loving husband, proud father of 4, and make my living as a full-time firefighter in Calgary. I guess what I am saying is, I coach for the love of the sport and the smiles I see on peoples faces when on any given day they’ve overcome their physical and mental barriers…. man it revs me up!!!

    Crossfit Coach as of
    May 2018

    Crossfit Certifications
    CF level 1
    CF level 2

    Experience and other certifications
    Mount Royal college degree in Kinesiology
    professional downhill mountain bike coach
    personal trainer
    professional backcountry canoe guild
    Alpine mountain rescue
    High angle rescue
    Water rescue
    Advanced deep water scuba
    Ski Patroller

    Competitive Crossfit Experience

    Favourite workouts
    Any work that someone says “hey, this sounds like fun. we should try it

    Athletic Background
    International big mountain snowboard competitor
    World cup downhill mountain biking
    Spartan trifectan
    Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, XC Skiing
    Biathlon, Running
    Hockey Player, Speed Skating

  • Petr Konecny


    “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”

    Petr was raised in central Europe in the Czech Republic. Started playing sports at a young age and tried his hand at many sports including gymnastics, swimming, floorball, soccer, and track & field, jiu-jitsu, judo and karate style martial arts.  In high school his athletic focus was track & field, he specialized in 200m & 400m sprints and long jump. Petr placed 4th at the national level for the 400m sprint in the junior age category.
    Being able to participate in multiple sports grew his passion for physical activity, which he carried forward into University where Petr completed his Master’s Degree in Kinesiology at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. After that, he wanted to move to Canada, where he discovered CrossFit in 2016 and fell in love with it immediately. A CrossFit community brought life to Petr being so far from home.  Now as a certified coach Petr’s main goal is to help people become a better version of themselves and improve their quality of life.

    Crossfit Certifications
    Crossfit Level 1
    Crossfit Level 2

  • Kate Vanderbeek


    “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew. I said I would rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity”

    Kate is no stranger to sports or coaching! After hanging up her cap and goggles, she continued to pursue her passion for helping others achieve their highest potential in a coaching capacity. Kate coaches swimming full-time and has recently been appointed as the Head Coach of the Calgary Winter Club Sea Lions. It is part of her coaching philosophy to develop people-first, and athletes second. CrossFit became an integral part of her life after retiring from competing in the pool in 2017. The community, camaraderie, and constant opportunities for challenge and growth are what keep her coming back for more. She is passionate about helping others achieve the best version of themselves no matter where she goes!

    Crossfit Coach as of
    October 2021

    Crossfit Certifications
    CrossFit Level 1
    CrossFit Judge

    Experience and other certifications
    Bachelor of Kinesiology – Wilfrid Laurier University
    Master Of Coaching – University of Alberta
    Masters Thesis – Achieving Gender Equity in Coaching
    Keeping Girls in Sport Certificate
    NCCP Multisport Coach
    NCCP Swimming – Level 1
    NCCP Swimming – Level 2
    NCCP Swimming – Level 3

    Favourite workouts
    Give me all the chippers, rowing, biking, swimming, wall-balls & heavy barbells

    Athletic Background
    Swam competitively 22+ years
    Olympic Trials (3x)
    World Championship Trials (2x)
    PanAmerican Trials (3x)
    Canadian Nationals (6x)
    Canadian Interuniversity Sport Championships (4x)
    Golden Bears & Pandas Swimming – Asst. Coach
    Swimming Canada Olympic Team: HPC Victoria, BC – Assistant Coach
    Canmore Coho Swim Club – Head Coach
    Golden Dolphins Swim Club – Head Coach
    Kamloops Tsunamis Swim Club – Head Coach
    Calgary Winter Club Sea Lions – Head Coach

  • Keenan McGowan


    “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence”

    I was involved in fitness from a young age through my dad as a way to condition for hockey. We then found CrossFit and I knew right away I loved it both as a sport and a supplement for a healthier lifestyle. The community was what really hooked me and it has been a crucial part of my life ever since. Through high school I discovered a passion for health and fitness through various classes which led to the idea of becoming a coach at Pyro. I enjoy learning as much as I can about CrossFit and using that knowledge to help others in their fitness journeys

    Crossfit Certifications
    CrossFit Level 1
    CrossFit Level 2

    CrossFit Judge

What some of our members are saying…

  • Love the supportive family of CrossFit PYRO! The coaching and push towards my personal bests is so greatly appreciated!

    Carla Dutton
  • Dropped into class here this morning- was greeted with a smile and had great coaching from Dave! Would highly recommend this gym.

    Scott Lakusiak
  • David and Emilie have built an amazing community focused gym that has drawn a fantastic group of members! The workouts are challenging but rewarding in an environment that is always encouraging and inclusive.

    Ryan Mercier
  • David made my visit to Calgary an easy choice to come to his gym. He responded promptly and accommodated my schedule to complete. He was motivating, knowledgeable and inspiring. Check this gym out...

    Annette-Don Duncan
  • Great coach and facility, Dave really helped me improve my fitness. Since I joined - 3 months ago - I'm down 15 lbs and stronger than I've been in years. I expected to be pushed hard, but didn't expect the dietary support and sense of community. They even serve coffee!

    Martin Ray