Next Fundamentals block (Included with all memberships)

Intro to CrossFit Monday October 25th 7pm. What is CrossFit, culture and everything you need to know to start. Then we’ll finish the session with a classic CrossFit workout.

Fundamental movements Thursday October 28th 7pm. During this session, we’ll cover the 9 CrossFit fundamental movements, squat, front squat, overhead squat, press, push press, push jerk, deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull and the med ball clean.

Olympic weightlifting/ Gymnastics Thursday November 4th 7pm. The snatch and the clean and jerk, setup, grip, turnover, the finish and everything in between. For the gymnastics, we’ll cover basic shapes, beat swing, pull ups, toes to bar, handstand, rope climbs and more.

These sessions all combined will give you all the information needed to jump in a class.

To register, send us an email at

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