Not for time:
1mile run
Rest 5min
1mile run

*If you have a weight vest, wear it


For time:

10 thrusters 95/65
15 bar facing burpees
20 thrusters 95/65
25 bar facing burpees
30 thrusters 95/65
35 bar facing burpees

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Omar Vazquez, 25, of Hamilton, New Jersey, assigned to the 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, based in Fort Hood, Texas, died of wounds suffered April 22, 2011, when insurgents in Numaniyah, Iraq, attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his parents Maria and Pablo, sister Marisel, and brothers Pablo and Javier.

Accessory work
3min plank hold

1min front planche hold

5min meditation

Stretch 10min


3 rounds not for time:
400m run
15 push ups
30 squats

Strength X skills
Every 3min for 15min

5 shoulder press (from the ground)


Every 3min for 15min
5 deadlifts (double overhand)

Note: Build up to max
**Between each set, perform 50 single unders, 30 double unders or 10 triple unders

Pyro weightlifting W3D1

Clean and jerk complex
7 sets

1 clean pull
2 hang cleans
1 thruster
2 jerks

*Build up
Note: Completely stand up after your 2nd hang clean before performing the thruster

Accessory work
Meditation 10min


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