Kusunoki Masashige
Masashige began as a small time land owner who answered emperor Go-Daigo’s request for military assistance during the Nanbokucho Wars. Starting as a small-time leader with only five hundred men to his credit, Masashige rose through the ranks serving as a general loyal to the emperor Go-Daigo during the Nanbokucho Wars. Masashige is most famous for his undying devotion to his emperor that persisted even through the emperor’s exile and up until his death at the hands of fellow samurai, and traitor, Ashikaga Takauji. Leading up to the battle with Takauji, Kusunoki pleaded with his emperor to refrain from a direct battle with him, opting instead for the guerrilla-based tactics that had served them well to that point. Go-Daigo dismissed his Kusunoku’s concerns, and despite his knowledge that the emperor’s orders were basically a death sentence, Kusunoki marched onward to face Takauji where he suffered a massive defeat and was forced to commit seppuku.Following his death, Masashige was seen as the forerunner for a samurai’s undying loyalty. Upon the removal of the Tokugawa shogunate during the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19th century Kusunoki Masashige become a national symbol of loyalty, and his image was again used in World War II in propaganda posters to keep soldiers loyal to the emperor.

1mile run/walk
30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Meditation 5min

Maintenance/Mobility 10min
Cross chins 2min per side
Saddle 2min
Supine twist 2min per side

Nutrition journal log

Kendo (the way of the barbell)
30 hang cleans


5 rounds

2min AMRAP

30 squats
20 push ups
Max pull ups or any pull movement

1min rest between rounds

Accessory work
Flight simulator
Unbroken double unders
If you trip or break, you must restart the set (not the full workout)

5 sets
Max L-sit hold
Rest as needed between sets

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