Teams of 2:
8 rounds for time:
8 bench press 185/125 (share as needed)
8 sync toes to bar or sync GHD situps
8 deadlifts 245/175 (share as needed)
Teams of 2:
5 rounds for time:
1 hill run (together)
25cals row (share as needed)
25cals bike (share as needed)
50 double unders (together, 50 each)
SLIPS (Scales, Lsit, Inversion, Plank, Stretch)
5 rounds for quality:
1 front scale front and back right leg
1 front scale front and back left leg
L-sit hold (any variation) 30sec
Go inverted (Handstand, handstand walk, handstand push up)
Front planche hold or plank 30sec
Dynamic stretch/mobility 30sec
3 rounds for quality:
5 strict toes to bars
5 strict knees to elbows
10 toes to bars
10 hip/back extensions
20 back extensions
20 hip extensions
Pyro weightlifting W2D3
Hip snatch @40% of 1RM fixed weight
Snatch *build up
Note: Touch and go or drops
Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM fixed weight
Note: No drops and must be touch and go on the ground. No regrip or pause on the ground
Front squats bottom pause 3sec *build up
For time:
400m run
18 ring muscle ups
400m run
15 ring muscle ups
400m run
12 ring muscle ups
**200m run penalty every time you break**
Timecap: 18min
Option A
Bar muscle ups
Option B
Chest to bar pull ups
Option C
Pull ups
Option D
Banded pull ups
Note: Wherever you are in your fitness journey, pick an option challenging for you. If you have ring muscle ups but 45 reps is too much volume, change the rep scheme for something like 15-12-9 or 12-9-6 for example. Again, do something challenging for you