Berserker challenge
Week 3


Odin (Old Norse: Óðinn) is the god of wisdom, poetry, death, divination, and magic. Son of Bor and the giantess (jötunn) Bestla, Odin is the chief of the Æsir and the king of Asgard. He is married to the goddess Frigg, and is the father of the gods Thor, Baldr, Höðr, Víðarr, and Váli.

Known as the All-Father, Odin is often accompanied by two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, along with the wolves Geri and Freki; the god rides into battle atop an eight-legged steed, Sleipnir, and wields the mighty spear Gungnir, which was fashioned for him by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi and is said to never miss its target.

A defining feature of Odin is his being one-eyed, a result of him having sacrificed an eye to drink from the Well of Urðr, which granted him an incomprehensible amount of knowledge of the universe. Odin himself often receives counsel from the severed head of the being Mímir, which recites secret knowledge to him. Half of the souls of those slain in battle will be guided by the Valkyries, battle maidens, to Valhalla

For time:

100 back squats @50% of 1RM

**Every time you rack the bar or drop it, perform 15 hand release push ups**

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×8

100 zeus rope double unders

Split jerk press 5×5

20 false grip chest to rings pull ups

5 sets
15 GHD sit ups
15 hip extensions


Berserker challenge
Week 3

For time:

200ft handstand walk

Rx: 10ft sections

Scale as needed. 200 inverted hand release. 20 around the box. Use a spotter with a pvc pipe. Even 200ft of pike bear crawl is a good option. Pick something challenging for you


For time:


Hang dumbbells power cleans 50/35
Dumbbells shoulders to overhead 50/35

Dumbbells at 35/20

Pyro weightlifting

Hip clean

Note: Build up but keep it light and snappy. Speed under the bar

3 position clean
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (7)

Low hang (below the knees)
Hang (above the knees)
High hang (hip level)

Note: Start from the ground, pause 3 seconds and low hang, move to the hang and pause for 3 seconds, then move up to the high hang and pause for 3 seconds as well. Then you clean. Build up the weight but again, focus on good position, do not try to max out on this.

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets

1 clean high pull
1 hang clean
2 front squats
3 jerks

Note: Build up to max

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Plates lateral raises 3×8


For time:
25 wall balls 20/14
25 burpees
25 push ups
25 cals row

Ring support swings 3×8

10 around the world (there and back is 2)


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