Workout 3

20min AMRAP

100 double unders
80 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
100 double unders
60 toes to bar
100 double unders
40 dumbbell squats 50/35
100 double unders
20 strict handstand push ups

Note: If you complete all the reps, go for a 2nd round. Both heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground on the dumbbell snatch. Dumbbells squats are with 2 dumbbells. For the handstand push ups, your hands must be inside a 36×24 box and your feet cannot go outside the lines as well. Like in the open, your hips cannot touch the wall at full extension.


100 single unders
80 alternating dumbbell snatch 35/20
100 single unders
60 knee raises
100 single unders
40 dumbbell squats 35/20
100 single unders
20 hand release push ups


For time:

50/35 cals bike
50 walking lunges
50/35 cals row
50 box jumps 24/20
50/35 cals bike
50 wall balls 24/20
50/35 cals row
50 burpees

Note: Deep burn!!!

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