24min AMRAP
24cals row
24 burpees over the rower
24 power snatch 95/65
24 wall balls 20/14
24 double unders
24 power cleans 135/95
24 GHD sit ups
24 strict handstand push ups
24 deadlifts 225/155
24cals bike
24cals row
24 burpees over the rower
24 power snatch 75/55
24 wall balls 14/10
24 single unders
24 power cleans 95/65
24 abmat situps
24 hand release push ups
24 deadlifts 135/95
24cals bike
Accessory work
Maintenance/mobility 20min
20 rep max back squat
We tested the widowmaker 4 weeks ago on November 22nd. Since then, we programmed 2 days of squatting per week dedicated to building up strength and capacity for that volume. This is on top of the regular programming and the weightlifting which had plenty of squatting. If you followed the whole program, you should have the strength, capacity, and confidence to hit at least 20-30lbs more than what you did 4 weeks ago. Now, there’s more to it than just following a program. Proper nutrition, proper rest, mindset, how you feel and much more that will influence if you get a new record. If you don’t get it, don’t stress it out, that’s life. We can’t always PR. The real deal is, when we don’t PR, how we take it and how we keep going.
5 rounds for time:
12 toes to bar
12 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
Dumbbell at 70/50
Knee raises
Dumbbell at 35/20
Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry x3
150 cals bike
Snatch push press 5×5
Front planche hold 1min
50 hip extensions