“Surround yourself with people that push you to do better. No drama, or negativity. Just higher goals and motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the best in each other”



For time:

10 strict muscle ups AFSAP
100ft handstand walk AFSAP
10 strict muscle ups AFSAP

**Every time you break, perform 20sec floor L-sit hold **

Note: This is a fairly advanced session, modify as needed. Aim for doing each movement in approximately 3 to 4 sets. Muscle ups can be strict chest to bar pull ups, strict pull ups or jumping muscle ups. Handstand walk can be inverted shoulder touches or you could use a spotter.

**Heads up, you core may or may not be fried after this**

Pyro weightlifting

10min EMOM

2 power snatch @60% of 1RM

5min rest

10min EMOM

2 clean and jerks @60% of 1RM

Team Firebreathers

Teams of 2:

5 rounds for time:

40/28 cals bike (20/14 each)
20 devils press 50/35 (10 each)
40 wall balls 20/14 11/10 (20 each)

Note: One partner works at a time. The other partner rest. Both partners start at the muster point and must switch there as well. Wall ball target is 1 foot above the regular height.

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