
Snatch balance


10min AMRAP

3 squat snatch 135/95
6 knees to elbows

Introducing the “HEALTH” version of our daily workouts. Similar to the Lite or scaled if you will. This is our way to get our programming to a broader range of athletes. Not that there is anything wrong with “scaled”. The term doesn’t sound right to us. It kind of means you are scaling from something. Aiming for the Rx or Firebreather version is a good goal but it doesn’t have to be. We want to get people moving and remove any possible barrier that could prevent that. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, goals and have a wide range of different fitness levels. It’s important for us to offer something that fits your needs. CrossFit is hard and it can be very intimidating. We want to change that. Everyone can do CrossFit and do our programming. Depending on the days, you might find 3 versions of the workouts, Health, Rx and Firebreather.


10min AMRAP

3 squat snatch
6 knee raises

For the snatch, aim for around 50% of your best snatch balance from today
For the knees to elbows, perform knee raises or just drive your knees as high as you can


20min AMRAP

25 single dumbbell squats 50/35
50 double unders
100ft bear crawl 25ft foot sections
50 double unders
25 single dumbbell box step ups 24/20 50/35

Accessory work
Shoulder of steel
Arnold press 3×8

1 mile run

Snatch press 5×3

Ring support L-sit hold 1min

40 hip extensions

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