3 attempts at the snatch
3 attempts at the clean and jerk

Only 2 bars setup, 1 male bar and 1 female bar, 1 lifter at a time. We start with the lowest opener and work our way up. The weigh cannot go down so make sure you pick an opener than you can do for sure.

Weight classes:
• Men: 140/170/200/230/231+
• Women: 110/130/150/170/170+

Note: A male athlete that weigh in at 180lbs would be in the 170 class. A female athlete that weigh in at 134lbs would be in the 130 class. An athlete lighter than the lower weight class would be in the 140/110 class. We made wider weight classes to incorporate more athletes together.

Weigh in before starting to lift

Once weighted, the athletes will pick their Snatch opener. This will be the weight for their first lift. Once all the athletes are weighted, we will then establish the order for the first lift

The order will go by load, from the lightest to the heaviest. Mixing men and women. We will have two bars setup

Athletes will have 30sec per attempts

There will be 3 lifts for the snatch, 3 lifts for the clean and jerk

Athletes must wait for the judges (coach) signal before dropping the weight, otherwise it will be a no rep

All lifts must be completed within the lifting platform dedicated for the competition. Stepping outside the platform will be a no rep (8×8 area)

The lift must be completed and approved by the judges before the timer hit 0

The snatch may be any style, start from the ground and finish at full lockout overhead with the load under control. As long as the bar is going from ground to overhead in one smooth motion, no stopping at the hips or shoulders. Only your feet are allowed to touch the ground

The clean and jerk might be any style. Starts from the ground and finish overhead with full lockout with the load under control. Only your feet are allowed to touch the ground

After your 3 snatch attempts, you must choose your clean and jerk opener

If you fail your attempt in the 30sec allowed and you stay at the same weight for your next lift, you will be lifting immediately after, if you decide to go up, there might be a few lifters between this weight and your next weight.

Once you choose your load for your next lift, you will be allowed to change the weight only TWICE. After you complete a lift, you must choose the weight for your next lift. Other athletes will do the same, after seeing the lineup, you might want to change your lift if desired.

Score is your heaviest snatch, heaviest clean and jerk and total (both snatch and clean and jerk together)


For time:

10 rounds of:

15 wall balls 20/14
30 double unders

Immediately into

200ft bear crawl 20ft lengths

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Plates lateral raises 2×8

50 burpees

Panda pulls 3×5

20 strict pull ups

50 med ball russian twists 20/14

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