Front planche practice 10min
Ring/bar muscle up practice
Pull ups/kipping/butterfly practice 10min
5 rounds for time:
1 complex
1 strict knee to elbow
2 knees to elbows
3 pull ups
1 bar muscle up
10 pistols
5 sets
1 power snatch
5 overhead squats
5 sets
3 front squats
6 back squats
40/45/50/55/60% of 1RM back squat
7 rounds for time:
18 dumbbells hang squat cleans 35/20
18 pull ups
10 power cleans 135/95
10 handstand push ups
U.S. Army Sergeant Anibal Santiago, 37, of Belvidere, Illinois, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia, died on July, 18, 2010, in Bagram, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife, Mandy, sons Hannibal, Desmond, and Darian, and parents Anibal and Maria.
For time:
1 rope climb
50 double unders
15 tire flips
25 wall balls 20/14 10/9
50ft plate farmers carry 45/35
2 rope climbs
50 double unders
15 tire flips
25 wall balls 20/14 11/10
50ft plates farmers carry 45/35
3 rope climbs
50 double unders
15 tire flips
25 wall balls 20/14 12/11
50ft plates farmers carry 45/35
Timecap: 20min
pegboard ascents
Zeus rope double unders
Rope pulls
Tire deadlifts
Wall balls 20/14 10/9 across
Plates farmers carry 35/25
Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Dumbbells lateral raises 3×8
Snatch press 3×5
30 shoulder taps
30 slow hip extensions