
E2M10M (5 sets)

1 strict toe to bar
2 toes to bar
3 kipping pull ups (no butterfly)
2 knees to elbows
1 strict knee to elbow


For time:

3 rounds
10 handstand push ups
10 pistols

directly into

3 rounds
1 legless rope climb or 1 pegboard ascent
20ft handstand walk

Pyro weightlifting

Snatch complex
5 sets

1 snatch grip deadlift
1 hip snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets

1 clean grip deadlift
1 hip clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
1 jerk

Note: Both are build to max



6 rounds for time:

24 squats
24 push ups
24 walking lunges
400m run

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on June 24, 2010, in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.

He is survived by his wife, 1st Sgt. Jennifer Loredo; daughter, Laura Isabelle; stepdaughter, Alexis; and son, Eddie Enrique.


Tempo back squats

Note: 3sec down, 3sec up


3min AMRAP

8 pull ups
10 box jump overs 24/20

1min rest

3min AMRAP

6 chest to bar pull ups
8 box jump overs 30/24

1min rest

3min AMRAP

4 bar muscle ups
6 box jump overs 36/30

Banded pull ups
Box jump overs/step overs 24/20

Accessory work
100 double unders for time

Pendlay row 5×5

30 low ring muscle up transitions

3 rounds
15 GHD sit ups
15 hip extensions

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