
Power clean + push jerk touch and go

Barbell split jerks


For time:


Deadlifts 225/155
Bar facing burpees


For time:


Deadlifts 155/105
Bar facing burpees

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 3 movements

Clean grip sots press 3×5

Accumulate 1min of ring support

GHD dumbbell press 3×10


4 sets
7 front squats
13 back squats

*Load at 55% of 1RM front squat


10min AMRAP

5 strict pull ups
10 push ups
15 box jump overs 24/20


10min AMRAP

5 ring rows
10 knee push ups
15 step overs 24/20


10min AMRAP

5 L-pull ups
10 ring dips
15 box jump overs 24/20

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Banded KB overhead walk 4x20ft

Pause split jerks 3×5

Accumulate 1min of front planche

Side plank 4x30sec each side


Touch and go power snatch

Barbell snatch balance


CrossFit Games 13.4

7min AMRAP

3 clean and Jerks 135/95
3 toes to bars
6 clean and Jerks 135/95
6 toes to bars
9 clean and Jerks 135/95
9 toes to bars

Continue increasing reps by 3 each round until time is complete


7min AMRAP

3 clean and Jerks 95/65
3 knee raises
6 clean and Jerks 95/65
6 knee raises
9 clean and Jerks 95/65
9 knee raises

Continue increasing reps by 3 each round until time is complete

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×10

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Strict chest to bar pull ups 3×8

3 rounds
20 GHD situps
20 back extension
10sec L-sit hold

Hey Pyromanians,
Mark your calendar, here’s a few things happening in the near future: **Updated March 31st**

Wednesday April 3rd to 8th, Rogue Invitational online qualifier
Thursday April 4th to 15th, Canwest individual online qualifier
Thursday April 25th to May 8th, Canwest teams online qualifier
Saturday April 27th, 8am to 4pm, The Festivus Games, mixed pairs, novice/intermediate teams, 150$ per teams. Here’s the link to register:

Host Landing Page

Friday May 10th, Calgary Affiliate championship, Trio Males and Females, Elite, Rx and scaled, only one team per division
Swimming clinics
Weightlifting classes back on the schedule
CrossFit Endurance classes

Pyromania IV, July 19/20/21
Canwest games, July 27/28/29


Battle Royale III

CrossFit Games Open

7/13 squat cycle
10 weeks
2x per week
Based on your max front squat
For the 1st and 2nd week, perform 7 front squats at the set percentage then immediately perform 13 back squats. There will be different rep scheme for the following weeks. The spreadsheet will be shared on the community group, CrossFit Pyro and on the Blackout facebook page. If you don’t have access to the spreadsheet on those platforms, send us an email and we’ll send it to you. This is a very effective and challenging squat program that will guarantee you gains for both the front and back squat. Not only building strength but also muscle endurance, reinforcing your joints and ligaments. This will help you getting better at any sports or activities. Building leg strength and muscle endurance will help you become a better runner even though it might not seems related directly. The best way to do this program is to get the spreadsheet, punch in your max front squat and the sheet will automatically fill in your weights throughout the cycle. Days will change from week to week and we’re aware some of you might miss a day here and there. By having the spreadsheet with you already, you know what you’ll have to do so get it done in open gym hours or other means. Chances are day 1 or each will be done either Monday or Tuesday with day 2 Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. We’ll try to avoid doing on Fridays to leave the body in better shape for the Trifecta Saturdays.

Also tied in with the squat cycle is a 10 week weightlifting cycle. This is all within the regular programming so you can expect at least a snatch and a clean and jerk strength component per week. Keep in mind that this is a weightlifting cycle geared towards CrossFit so we’ll see some lighter loads with barbell cycling as well as building for maximum load.


Strength (25min)

4 sets @60% of 1RM front squat
7 front squats
13 back squats

METCON (10min)

For time:
50 double unders
21 handstand push ups
50 double unders
15 handstand push ups
50 double unders
9 handstand push ups
50 double unders


For time:
50 single unders
21 push ups
50 single unders
15 push ups
50 single unders
9 push ups
50 single unders


For time:
50 zeus double unders
21 deficit handstand push ups 4/2
50 zeus double unders
15 deficit handstand push ups 4/2
50 zeus double unders
9 deficit handstand push ups 4/2
50 zeus double unders

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 5min

Barbell sotts press 3×5

Strict ring dips 3×8

50 GHD sit ups

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