Pyro Endurance

Teams of 2 (same or opposite sex)

30min AMRAP

Partner 1:

Row cals

Partner 2:

1 hill run
20 wall balls 20/14

*Must switch after every rounds of hill run and wall balls

Score is total cals and reps of wall balls completed

Note: BRUTAL haha!!



3 rounds for time:

5 strict muscle ups
1min of L-sit hold


3 rounds for time:

5 strict pull ups
30sec of L-sit hold


TOR complex

1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 snatch push press
1 overhead squat

Note: Build up to max



For time:

30 clean and jerks 135/95
Run 1 mile
10 rope climbs
Run 1 mile
100 burpees


Half “GLEN”

15 clean and jerks 135/95
Run 800m
5 rope climbs
Run 800m
50 burpees

Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara, sister Katie, and brother Greg.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words,
Watch your words, they become actions,
Watch your actions, they become habit,
Watch your habits, they become your character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny”

Lao Tzu

Pyro Open 19.6

6 rounds for time:

6 devil’s press 50/35
6 dumbbells thrusters 50/35
6 chest to bar pull ups


6 rounds for time:

6 devil’s press 35/20
6 dumbbells thrusters 35/20
6 jumping chest to bar pull ups*

*Pull up bar 6 inches above the athlete’s head

Accessory work

ROMWOD full length

“You are what you do every day”


Muscle snatch

Power snatch



3 rounds for time:

10 power snatch 135/95
12 bar facing burpees



Muscle snatch

Power snatch

Technique focus


3 rounds for time:

10 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 burpees

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry

Barbell snatch balance 3×5

15 strict knees to elbows

Weighted back extension 3×10


10min EMOM alternating min

1-2 peg board ascents
25ft handstand walk


8min AMRAP

8 pistols
30 double unders

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×10

Clean high pulls 5×5

Accumulate 90sec of:
Front planche hold

GHD dumbbell press 3×10

5 rounds for time:

8 burpees
15 cals bike
8 burpees
15 cals row


Clean and jerk waves

3 sets


For time:


Box jumps 30/24
Shoulder to overhead 115/85

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Dumbbell lateral raises 3×10

Hip clean 3×5

30 low ring muscle ups

20 strict toes to bar

Hello Pyro athletes,

friendly reminder to submit your score for 19.5 Monday before 6pm. For those that are done already, sweet skills! It was a blast to see all of you crushing it for 5 weeks. The Open season is tough. It requires to be focus, dial in our rest/recovery, dial in our nutrition, be able to perform on demand, get out of our comfort zone and a lot of us did the workouts twice. Join us tomorrow (Monday March 25th) Citizen brewery (precisely 40 steps away from Pyro) at 7pm for an after Open gathering. We have the place booked for 20 of us. We hope to see many of you. Come for the workout at 6pm and then just head next door.

We’ll be moving into a new stage of programming starting with a deload week. Expect shorter workouts, lighter loads, lots of maintenance/mobility and easier movements for example. Time to reset the body. It’s also getting nicer outside so we’ll be doing some running. We’ll kick things off with some light jog warm ups and cooldowns not for time. Just getting used to running again and build up capacity. Following the deload week, we’ll be doing a squat/strength and a weightlifting cycle. This is going to be good

We’ll be introducing the Endurance class soon. This program is for everyone. You can expect longer workouts, interval training, simple movements and the big thing we’ll be pushing for is the no barbells. We want this class to be accessible for everyone and really take everything complicated out. It doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy though. There will be wall balls, burpees, box jumps, rowing, biking, running, skipping, kettlebell swings just to name a few. Before we introduce the class in the schedule, we’ll be doing some of the endurance class workouts within the regular programming to give you an idea. We started this already a few weeks back. This is meant to be an add on the regular programming.

The weightlifting class will be back soon as well. This is meant to be an add on the regular programming as well. The plan is still to have weightlifting within the regular programming so the weightlifting classes is meant to offer extra targeted training. You might see some METCONs but will be barbell only focusing on barbell cycling and weightlifting capacity operating at a higher heart rate. This is perfect for those that want to accelerate their development. Stay tuned for more info


For time:

100 double unders
80 dumbbell squats 50/35*
60 abmat situps
40 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
20 cals bike
10 strict handstand push ups

*You can hold the dumbbell anyway you want. Just like the step ups in 19.3


100 single unders
80 squats
60 situps
40 alternating dumbbell snatch 35/20
20 cals bike
10 push ups

Couch stretch 3min per side

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 5min

Snatch push press 3×5

Rope pull ups 3×8

Weighted back extensions 3×10


Bench press


Teams of 2


10 frames not for time: (10 each)
100 meters.
*Set The rower to count up from 0.
*Penalty for every 1 meter over/under 100m, perform 1 burpee. (Both do the burpees)
*”Rowl” 10 frames (each).
🏆 100m exactly is a STRIKE. Every meter over/under is a POINT for that frame. On the 10th frame, if you row a STRIKE, you can replace your highest POINT from another frame with a STRIKE and get another 10th frame. Otherwise, your POINTS on the 10th frame are the meters over/under 100m. If you did in fact row a STRIKE on frame 10, continue replacing highest POINTS with STRIKES until you row over/under 100m. Final score is the sum of all points (zero is best).
Thanks Train FTW for the sharing this

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