The 2019 CrossFit Games Open starts today!!!!


Power snatch

Power clean and jerk

Note: Build to max. Drops allowed but keeps the reps within 10sec apart top. Technique focus

Accessory work
Shoulder of steel
Crossover symmetry 3 movements x3

Sots press 3×10

Strict pull ups 3xmax

GHD sit ups 3×15

Tabata what?

Tabata burpees to a 6inch target
Tabata chest to bar pull ups
Tabata box jump overs 24/20
Tabata handstand push ups

Score is total reps for the tabatas combined

Note: A Tabata is 8 cycles of 20sec of work with 10sec rest (30sec per round). Each cycle is 4min total. 4min of burpees, then 4min of chest to bar pull ups, 4min of box jumps and finally 4min of handstand push ups. You only have 10sec to transition from one movement to the other.

Tabata definition:

Tabata training (also called Tabata protocol) is a type of HIIT (high-intensity interval training). It originated in the research of Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and his team from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports at Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, on high-intensity exercise during the early 1990s. Their objective was to find out if short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by shorter rests might condition the body better than a continuous moderate-intensity exercise.

To determine this, they worked with two test groups—one doing moderately intense exercise and the other high-intense. Moderate-intensity exercising consisted of a one-hour workout, five days a week, for six weeks. The high-intensity exercising consisted of a four-minute workout, four days a week, for six weeks; each workout consisted of eight sets of 20 seconds of exercise at maximum effort each followed by a 10-second rest. To do the math: (8 x 20) + (8 x 10) = 240 seconds (4 minutes).

The results of the study showed that the moderate-intensity workouts improved the aerobic (or cardiovascular) fitness of test subjects but did little anaerobically. The high-intensity workouts, on the other hand, benefited the test subjects more significantly both aerobically and anaerobically, which, evidently, was due to the unbalanced exercise-to-rest ratio. The reasoning behind this is that a shorter period of rest in between longer periods of intense exercise during a workout does not allow the body to fully recover. By the second half of the workout, the body is forced to work at maximum capacity physiologically, causing the heart to pump faster and the rate of metabolism to increase. In the end, the high-intensity routine builds endurance and muscle, and burns lots of calories

This is why CrossFit is so effective as a general fitness program. The high intensity nature of the workouts trains both anaerobically and aerobically. At the same, we build muscle endurance and strength. Regardless what you sport or activity is, CrossFit will benefit you greatly. Many Ironman athletes, marathon runners, swimmer, specific sport athletes (hockey, football, soccer for example) have seen increase in performance for doing CrossFit.

“CrossFit total”

Back squat 1 rep max
Shoulder press 1 rep max
Deadlift 1 rep max

Score is all 3 movements combined together

Hello CrossFit Pyro Open athletes. Here’s the link to the google doc Open sign up sheet. In case you missed it, we’ll be running the Open workout on Fridays all day. There will be regular class hours. You’ll find 3 heats per class with 6 athletes per heats. That’s a total of 144 spots. Please try to show up at the start of the class, the coach will go over a warm up, the workout, the movement standards and versions of the workout (Rx and scaled). You’ll find on the sheet a column for the athletes and judges. Every athlete registered for the Open needs a judge to validate their scores. For the judging, it’s simple, somebody will judge you and you must judge somebody in return. Usually it goes like this, athlete 1 does the workout in heat 1. Athlete 2 judge athlete 1. Then Athlete 2 does the workout in heat 2 while athlete 1 judge. It’s very easy if you tag team with somebody and coordinate with times together. One of you can go on the sign up sheet and update it live. Remember that we don’t know the workouts. We don’t know what equipment will be required and how long so the heat times and numbers of athletes may change. Just be open minded. Heat 1 should start about 10min in. If the workout can accommodate for more than 6 per heat we’ll do it. That’s why you’ll need to be there at the start of each class. Last thing we want is you to show up at 6pm and can’t do the workout until 8:30 for example. If needed, we’ll add a 4pm class. Please do your best to sign up on the sheet so we know how many are coming. Those signed up will have priority.
Each athlete will be given a scoring sheet and will be responsible to enter their scores online. The deadline is every Monday 5pm. We will validate the scores periodically afterwards. Unless you want to keep your score off the leaderboard until the deadline, just let us know. Not validating scores until the deadline is a great tactic if you don’t want other athletes to see your score and try to beat you by the second or 1 reps. That would be for competitive athletes trying to qualify for the next step like teens, masters or elite athletes trying to be the best in their country. As mentioned before, there will be other time opportunity to do the workouts if you can’t on Fridays. We also support redos if needed. The dojo will be available during the weekend and on Monday. 56 of us are registered so far with more yet to do so. We want to run a fun and smooth event for all of you. If any of you would like to do the workout right after the announcement Thursday night, we can also make that happen.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know.

Teams of 2

For time:

50 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 burpees over the box 24/20
40 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 burpees over the box 24/20
30 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 burpees over the box 24/20
20 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 burpees over the box 24/20
10 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 burpees over the box 24/20

Note: Burppees over the box are box facing. Share the reps as needed. You must tag your partner to switch. No tag, no rep



Sunday: Regular hours 9/10 and Open gym at 11. NxT-GeN at 12
Monday: 9/10 and Open gym at 11
Tuesday: Regular hours 0630/0930/12/5/6/7/8 “CrossFit total”

Teams of 2

For time:

10,000m row

Share as needed



10min EMOM

1 ring forward roll
1 pull over

5 sets
3 toes to bar
2 chest to bar pull ups
1 bar muscle up

5 rounds not for time:
1 rope climb
2 wall climbs
3 L-pull ups


Hang power snatch

Snatch balance



30 rounds for time:

5 wall balls 20/14
3 handstand push ups
1 power clean 225/155

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.


Back squats


5 rounds for time:

12/9 cals row or air bike
12 toes to bar
12 alternating dumbbell snatch 70/50

*Yes, 70/50 for the dumbbell

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 3 movements x3

Snatch balance


30 strict pull ups

3 rounds
15 GHD sit ups
15 back extensions

Hello Pyromanians, this is just reminder about the swimming clinic tomorrow night at the Repsol center, Thursday February 14th at 6:30 to 7:30pm. The price is 15$ and you can register on Rhinofit. Please try to arrive early so you can register, get changed and be ready to rock at 6:30. We need to know who’s attending prior to start as we’ll need to provide the names of those attending for access.

We’re aware that it is Valentine’s day but that was the only day that work for a while. The next clinic is February 28th and then March 28th.

For 15$ you get 2 lanes and coaching by none other that Aquaman himself. No better value really. We hope to have many of you attending to make these clinics successful. There will be swimming at Pyromania, just saying, not saying. Practicing now would be a great idea

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