
Back squats

*3sec pause at the bottom


For time:

50 wall balls 20/14
40 burpees
30 box jumps 30/24
20 handstand push ups
10 strict weighted pull ups 20/14

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Dumbbell bicep curl to press 3×10

Power cleans + push jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

10 strict knees to elbows
10 strict toes to bar
10 strict pull ups

50 GHD sit ups
50 back extensions

For time:

100m row

250m row

1000m row

5000m row

Test each of those time domains

Note: Don’t worry, we’ll test the 500m some other time as well

Join us Monday February 4th for our intermediate/Advanced gymnastics clinic from 7 to 9pm. Lead by a national level gymnast athlete and coach, we will cover how to spot, the beat swing, kipping pull ups, butterfly pull ups, toes to bar, handstand walk/push ups, rope climbs, bar/ring muscle ups and more. The movements and skills covered are more advanced by nature but don’t let that prevent you from coming even if you’ve not there yet. Beginners are more than welcome. Regardless where you’re at, you will improve and learn new skills. This is free for all unlimited members, 25$ for punch cards, limited and non-members. You can register for the class on Rhinofit. See you then

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