

1min bar facing burpees
1min snatch
1min pull ups
1min clean and jerk
1min pull ups
1min double unders
1min hand release push ups
1min deadlifts
1min toes to bar
1min thrusters
1min bar facing burpees

Bar at 50% bodyweight


1min bar facing burpees
1min snatch
1min chest to bar pull ups
1min clean and jerk
1min chest to bar pull ups
1min double unders
1min handstand push ups
1min deadlifts
1min toes to bar
1min thrusters
1min bar facing burpees

Bar at 65% bodyweight


1min bar facing burpees
1min snatch
1min ring muscle ups
1min clean and jerk
1min bar muscle ups
1min double unders
1min handstand push ups
1min deadlifts
1min toes to bar
1min thrusters
1min bar facing burpees

Bar at 80% bodyweight


1min bar facing burpees
1min snatch
1min ring muscle ups
1min clean and jerk
1min bar muscle ups
1min double unders
1min strict handstand push ups
1min deadlifts
1min toes to bar
1min thrusters
1min bar facing burpees

Bar at bodyweight

**This is a benchmark workout so try to stick with one of the preset version. Obviously, like any other workouts, scale as needed**

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