The Pyro teens, 14 to 17 years old, program starts Saturday October 20th. Classes are 1 hour, program is 8 weeks. 150$+tx

The Pyro kids, 7 to 13 years old, program starts Sunday October 21st. Classes are 45 minutes, program is 8 weeks. 150$+tx

You can register your kids/teens at any time. We’ll adjust the cost accordingly. CrossFit Pyro kids/teens tshirt included with registration. For all details, send us an email or ask in person at the gym. This is going to be epic!!


Ring series
5 sets
Set the ring at waist height
Right/Left up alt
Both arms up
Right/Left side to side alt
Both arms out

*If 1 rep of each is too easy, add volume as needed*

For time:
1 strict toe to bar/ 1 strict pull up/ 1 strict C2B pull up

rest 30sec

1 kipping toe to bar/ 1 kipping pull up/ 1 kipping C2B pull up

*No butterfly. This is for time to maintain intensity but focus on quality instead of speed*

Accumulate 1min of each:
False grip hang
Ring dip support (low)
Ring support (top)

Weightlifting W8D4 (Testing next week)

Snatch complex
5 sets
1 snatch pull
1 hang snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets
1 clean pull
1 hang clean
1 front squat
1 jerk

Front squat



20min AMRAP

30 box jumps 24/20
20 push press 115/85
30 pull ups

Oakland SWAT Sgt. Daniel Sakai, 35, was killed in the line of duty on March 21, 2009, along with fellow officers Sgt. Ervin Romans, Sgt. Mark Dunakin and Officer John Hege.

Daniel is survived by his wife, Jenni and daughter, Jojiye.


Power snatch

*Drops allowed


For time:
Squat snatch
Bar facing burpees


White: 75/50 95/65 115/75 135/95 145/105
Silver: 95/65 135/95 155/105 165/115 175/125
Gold: 115/75 135/95 165/115 185/125 195/135
Legendary: 135/95 155/105 185/125 205/135 225/155

Accessory work
Crossover symmetry
3x each
Tiger walk

30 pvc pipe snatch grip sots press

5 sets of max L-sit hold (on plates)

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