Snatch balance
*Technique focus*
3min AMRAP
12 overhead squats 95/65
9 pull ups
1min rest
3min AMRAP
9 overhead squats 135/95
6 chest to bar pull ups
1min rest
3min AMRAP
6 overhead squats 155/105
3 bar muscle ups
Accessory work
5 sets
3 position snatch (PVC pipe)
High hang/hang/low hang
5 sets
10 dumbbells bent over rows
Accumulate 2min of paralettes L-sit
Team of 2:
15min AMRAP
Partner 1
8 devil’s press 50/35
25ft dumbbell lunges 50/35
Partner 2
8 sync burpees with partner 1
25ft sync lunges with partner 1
Note: Switch partner on the dumbbells after each rounds
Accessory work
Barbell split jerk 4×5
3 sets of 30-50 double unders
Note: For added challenge, use a Zeus rope
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×8