10 '18
Workout 1:
For time:
150 squats
Workout 2:
3 rounds for time:
1 hill run
15 burpees
Workout 3:
4 rounds for time:
20 push ups
20 situps
Workout 4:
The Hopper
Workout 5:
For time:
25 deadlifts
20 hang power cleans
15 front squats
10 shoulder to overhead
5 back squats
25 Zeus rope double unders
Bar at 115/85
Workout 6:
For time:
30 wall balls 20/14
20 toes to bar
10 db thrusters 50/35
20 db steps overs 50/35 24/20
30 db power snatch alt 50/35
3 rope climbs
*weight vest on 20/14*