On a 30min running clock:

1 mile run (Pyro mile)
Then, with the remaining time
build up to your max power snatch
1 mile run (Pyro mile)
Then, with the remaining time
build to your max power clean

Score: Convert your run times in seconds and add them together. Combined your 2 lifts and add them together. Total time in seconds – total lift = Score

Hint: The faster you run and the heavier you lift = better score

Note: This benchmark will test your cardiovascular capacity, endurance, skills, speed, power, coordination and general conditioning. Great test overall. This should strike the perfect balance between strength and cardiovascular capacity. If you can’t run, air bike or rowing can be used.

Battle Royale II is Saturday October 6th

The battle royale format has been very popular in the recent years with movies like the original battle royale (must see btw), the Hunger games, and games like PUBG (Player unknown battleground) and Fortnite that took the world by storm. (Fortnite brings in about $300m revenue per month, and it’s a free game, just saying). Last year we did this during our 1st anniversary party, 42 athletes started and it was an absolute blast. This year we decided to make it it’s own thing and leave our 2nd year anniversary alone (Holy cow, only 2 years!!!)

About the Pyro Battle Royale:

Absolutely free admission
Elimination style
40 enter, 20 males, 20 females
6 workouts
3 hours
Only 1 champion
Self judged, super fun event, everyone welcome
All skill levels, workouts will be for everyone. As you advance from one workout to the other, movements and workouts will get more challenging. Loads and movements will be adjusted at 70% ratio between male/female athletes

There will be a sign up sheet by the whiteboard tomorrow. The great thing about this is that you’re guarantee at least one workout!!! Are you going to make the first cut?

Once we have all the workouts finalized, we’ll be sharing them so we all get an idea of what to expect. The hopper wod will make a comeback just saying!!

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