Floater 1:

For time:
50 strict pull ups

Floater 2:

6 rounds, each for time:
400m run (mailbox run)

3min rest between rounds

Acc work

Crossover Symmetry Strength x2 (You can find this on the X Symmetry Sheet)

Pull Up Complex x3 (2 minute rest) (Should be able to complete the whole set without coming off the bar, scale accordingly)
3 Strict
4 Kipping
5 Butterfly
3 Strict

KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 4×10 (each leg)

50 Glute Ham Raises (Aim for sets of 10-15)

75 GHD Sit-ups (Aim for sets of 10-15)

5 Minute Row/Bike Cooldown


Crossover Symmetry Strength x2

HSPU Complex x4 (2 minute rest)
30 Second Hold
1 Strict
2 Kipping

KB Overhead Lunges 4×10 (each leg) (Pick a weight you can keep the arms locked out with)

Bentover BB Pendlay Row 4×10

100 Back Extension

800m run/row cool down


Crossover Symmetry Strength x2

Accumulate 100 Feet Handstand Walk
*Then 10 Bar Muscle Up and 10 Ring Muscle Up for Time

100 Double-under Unbroken
*Then into 5 Peg Board Climbs for Time

OH Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (DB, KB or BB) (This will challenge your midline stability, remember keep the ribs down and drop the weight if needed)

One mile run/row cool down

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