New Weightlifting cycle
8 weeks
Starts Aug 27th
Finish Oct 20th
Test week Oct 22nd
4 days a week
3 days into weightlifting
1 day into reg prog
Back squat/front squat, ohs each week, varies from singles/doubles/triples and 5s
Snatch and clean jerk variations from singles/doubles and triples
For no experience, beginners and advanced lifters. Adjust each day according to your skill level. Each movement can be done as a skill and technique focus as well as strength and done at higher intensity. Make sure to ask your coach in class

Also, there will be a weightlifting and gymnastics complex every other week for 8 weeks. The weightlifting program will cover a lot of snatch pulls, clean pulls and push jerks/split jerks, the regular prog will take care of deadlift, either in METCONs or strength and shoulder press/push press. We have all angles covered. Programming is complex, we take good pride in what we do at Pyro. If it seems random some days, it isn’t, far from it. Some big announcements coming soon. #BLACKOUT

On top of that, don’t forget about the floater workouts and acc work posted every week here and on the whiteboard in the dojo. The acc work will be posted in advance for the week but we will also do our best to post each day with the wod post. We’ll also share the full 8 week weightlifting prog in advance in a PDF format. This is going to be epic!!!

Today is weightlifting for everyone

W1D1 of 8 weeks

Clean and jerk

Note: Perform 2 squat cleans and on your second rep do 1 jerk. Build up to around 90% of max

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM
Note: Drops or touch and go allowed

Back squats
Note: Each set above 60% of 1RM

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