Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes who competed in the Pyro Olympic Lifting Meet. This lifting competition is very different from the regular CrossFit lifting format. Once summoned to the platform, you have to be precise and accurate in your lifting in order to complete your lifts. Knowing your capabilities is key, setting an opener too high would put you in trouble right off the start. The margin of error is very narrow. The goal with the lifting meet was to offer a different experience, break the mold, do something new and get athletes outside of their comfort zone, in that regard, we succeeded.

As promised, Pyro will get more gear for you with all the proceeds. Thank you so much for your support.


6 rounds for time:

30 squats
19 power cleans 135/95
7 strict pull ups
400m run

Nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days earlier. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona’s history.

Note: There will be some of us that will be performing this workout in full firefighter turnout gear and some with a weight vest. By all means challenge yourself but remember to maintain the intensity. If adding a weight vest slows you down, you might consider going without one. Intensity is harder, pushing harder is more challenging and most times than not, adding a weight vest actually makes workouts easier in some ways. As prescribed, this workout is performed without a weight vest.

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