The Pyro meet is 2 days away. Let’s hit some PRs and have fun. Remember that this is for all of us, everyone can do this. Put your ego in the garbage, show up, lifts and become better. Simple, absolutely no excuses for not participating. This is not about you versus other, this is you against you. Let’s do this


E2M10M (5 sets)

3 back squats
15sec L-sit hold (on 45lbs plates)

Note: Back squat weight is fixed. Build up to a heavy load in your warm up that you can hit for 3 reps and still have time for the L-sit. Aim for about 75% of your 1RM. Ideally you want to do the 3 reps unbroken. The L-sit can be broken up, just accumulate 15sec. This might get interesting very fast


6min AMRAP

6 box jumps 24/20
6 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35
6 chest to bar pull ups



Clean and jerk

Note: Keep it light and snappy. Technique focus, build confidence for Saturday. You should be able to hit your openers for both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

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